полная версияРиски и возможности применения малых модульных атомных реакторов при освоении нефтегазовых ресурсов Арктики

Михаил Адамович Гайт
Риски и возможности применения малых модульных атомных реакторов при освоении нефтегазовых ресурсов Арктики


1. Mikhail N. Lysenko, Alexander N. Vylegzhanin, Oran R. Young. Nuclear Safety and Security in the Arctic: Crafting an Effective Regional Governance System.– An electronic      resource.-

2. Rosatom has approved the technical design of a reactor plant for a low-power ground-based nuclear power plant. – An electronic resource. -

3. The official website of Rosatom. – An electronic resource. -

4. Nuclear energy in Russia. – An electronic resource. –

5. Small modular reactors: global perspectives. Review #2-3_2019. – An electronic resource. –

6. Technology Roadmap for Small Modular Reactor Deployment. – Electronic resource.      –

7. Small Modular Reactors: Challenges and Opportunities. – Electronic resource. -

8. The official website of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. – An electronic resource. -

9. The world's only floating nuclear power plant has generated over 722 mle kWh of electricity      in      4      years.      –      An      electronic      resource.      - /

10. The official website of JSC NIKIET. – An electronic resource. -
