полная версияWomen are not unicorns

Margarita Reznik
Women are not unicorns

The uterus has opened and is sitting there waiting, folding its arms and looking down the tube.

The ovaries are as follows:

– I’m on duty this month, and you take a rest.

– Agreed. (and started snoring)

He sits sculpting the egg, growing it in the follicle, like a teacher over a schoolboy during an exam. He knows that the bell is about to ring, and the student will run away headlong towards adventure.

This is all the first phase of the cycle. Follicular. It has its own set of hormones.

Then comes the second – ovulation. This is the moment when the uterus is already impatient, fidgets in the chair, bites its nails, and cheers for its own.

He looks towards the pipe with his palms up.

Ovary, saddened: his best student has just run away from class. Well, at least I passed the exam with an A. A healthy egg came out of the follicle.

The sperm did not come. Like a pimply teenager, she went home crying. Or maybe like a beauty imprisoned by a dragon, if the pipes are sealed.

Or maybe the guys came, but were too weak to charm the girl. Or worse, she has allergies.

During ovulation, the body is controlled by other hormones. Their composition is the same, the leadership is different.

The third phase begins – Luteal.

Ovary has covered the desk of the runaway student with a yellow bow and won’t let anyone in there anymore. Therefore, there are no more eggs. Our teacher is simply losing students and, strangely enough, is not recruiting new students.

Let us also remember that the uterus was upset: a cookie, and not a fertilized egg, fell into her palms.

She sobs bloody tears all week until she cleanses herself and again raises her gaze towards the ovary.

In this phase, the kings of the evening, hormones are aimed at cleansing the body.

However. If the boys turned out to be daring, and our graduate was friendly, then fertilization will take place. And the uterus will finally receive the long-awaited gift. She will spend nine months nurturing her beloved sun until she gives the world a child.

Then the menstrual cycle is interrupted and begins only after childbirth. During pregnancy, hormones are controlled by completely different forces.

Well, how do you like the allegory? Did you explain it clearly?

I have never felt sorry for my “upset” uterus. Because this is just a fairy tale to better understand the difficult to understand menstrual cycle.

The organs do not have any emotions. We give it to them ourselves.

Recently, for example, I began to imagine how, during menstruation, my uterus tap dances in joy that nothing fell on her head.

And what? This is also possible.

"Poverty and luxury."

Let's digress a little from the topic of sex and talk about…

Well, it's still about sex. There is no way to get away from it, because your state of mind affects sexual arousal. And poverty and wealth greatly change our mood.

You know, I just attacked my acting teacher and wrote him a whole tirade. Do you think I would have allowed myself this if I weren’t wealthy? Unlikely. If only she were a hysterical person, which, of course, I am not.

Here, in fact, is the letter.

"Alexei. I held on. But I am forced to speak out.

I came not for a stick, but for a result. I want to learn, not be beaten. I want my teacher to motivate me, and not completely shave off my efforts. I spent two days poring over this dialogue. I gave it my all.

Now my hands have given up.

I'm not going to change my goal, I'm going to move towards Hollywood. I had a dream and I won’t give it up at the first difficulty.

But I won’t let myself be devalued.

Capricious? No. Purposeful and persistent, yes. I also write books (you said that you write). Yes, I haven’t published it in print yet, but it’s on the Internet – if you just enter my first and last name, I’ll be in the top 30 on 25 points. And I’m on my way to writing what will be published. I also manage a network of medical centers, I am a personal brand coach for doctors, I have a high CI, and good erudition. And I wouldn’t have achieved what I have in life now if I hadn’t been so persistent.

I want to give you confirmation that you are talented and you have so much experience.

And I heard your point about why people react to ratings. It has its place. I have my own point of view on this.

No matter how people react to evaluations, it is necessary to reward the right actions and discourage the wrong ones. Otherwise the person gets confused.

I can live with any sensation, I am trained in life.

No. I don’t want the teacher I choose, no matter how great he is, to withhold encouragement.

Don't abstain. I’m not arrogant, and I won’t feel crowned if you give confirmation of what was actually done well.

Then the disadvantages will not be perceived so harshly, and you will want to correct them.

I hope I got my point across. Thank you."

We women must be able to stand up for ourselves. And I understand that the results of my activities give me self-confidence.

I see the luxurious life that I have managed to earn over the past three years, and I understand that I did it. I! “Who's great? I’m great (quote).”

You see, there is no reason to consider yourself a loser if you don’t have money yet.

But how else do you measure your ability to change the world? Right. Only by changes in this world.

If a person is honest and did not steal money, but earned it, then most likely he can make some changes in the world. If people are also grateful to him for this, then he did a very good job. If they paid him a lot, then this means that he is great.

For me, the luxury that my husband and I have achieved helps a lot in life. Solve, for example, such questions in an acting course.

It also helps in family life and sex.

When I'm broke, all I think about is where to get money, what to buy food for.

And when my main problems are solved, my basic needs are satisfied, I can think about high things.

True, about the lofty. I don't consider sex a basic need.

And you?

If it is necessary for your head to be empty of pressing problems, then apparently this means something.

Sex is admiration for your partner, I read from wise people. So how can this then be a need at the level of eating? No, of course, “Eat Me” may have quite an erotic connotation. But in general, we don’t eat our partner.

It turns out that in order to turn off thoughts during coitus (I will sometimes call it that), you need to solve everything that can attract attention to itself.

Well then you can go to the monastery. Honestly. You can't solve all the problems in the world.

Do you really think about all the problems in sex? And how to save children in Ethiopia, and will Elon Musk be able to fly everyone to the moon?

No, for the most part, we think about the mundane, about what is happening right now.

You say:

– Well, it's not always a question of money.

– True, however, money could solve this problem.

“I just don’t have anyone to leave my child at home with tomorrow.”

– Yeah. If you had money, you would hire the best nanny.

– My husband’s passport has expired, but he needs to fly to another country.

– For work?

– Yes.

– Change the ticket.

– I can not. A delegation is waiting there for major negotiations.

– If you have money, then: A) you will skip these negotiations without much damage to yourself, B) you will agree that a colleague will do this for you, send him there at your own expense, C) you will find an agency that will legally do it for you passport in a short time.

– It turns out that money decides everything?

– Almost all.

I'm not talking about difficult times now, such as serious illness or loss. At such moments, you should not have sex, otherwise you will generally feel disgusted with it in the future.

Is this commercialism? Maybe I'm too focused on finances, and with my dear paradise and in the hut?

Or maybe the option is to live in a tent or hut in Bali and constantly meditate?

Well, you first need to buy a ticket to Bali, and also live there for something.

Can a person without money and without a fixed place of residence experience admiration in sex and orgasms?

Probably if he has already descended to the level of the animal and completely turned off the motzk. Well, that is, he never thinks about anything at all, except “where to drink.” Then, most likely, he will lose his excitement. It's hard to come during withdrawal, I guess.

The extreme option is a midas man who is so greedy that he always doesn’t have enough money. He doesn't treat them as a means to solve problems, he loves them themselves. More, more, more, just to be there, you know?

There are extremes, and between them there is a scale. And it’s optimal to be so well off that you’re active and have enough to cover the necessary expenses so you don’t have to worry about it during sex.

Let's play. You will tell me problems, I will tell you how they can be solved with money.

– I caught a cold, but if I take sick leave, I’ll be fired. Small children, no husband, no parents either. Friends are working.

– Take sick leave at your own expense, and at this time look for another job through the network. Invite a nanny and a housekeeper to look after you, feed you, and go to the pharmacy.

– The country house burned down, there was no insurance.

– Hire a good lawyer and investigator to find out the cause of the fire, find the person responsible and get money from him for the house.

– I parked in the wrong place, the car was taken away by a tow truck.


– Pick it up, pay and don’t put it anywhere else.

– They fired me from their feeding position, now there will be no such income.

– Well, you are lying. If you worked there efficiently and well, then your reputation would allow you to quickly find a good place. If you worked poorly, then urgently buy yourself courses with the saved-up money, so that you don’t make such mistakes again and continue to work well. You have to pay for mistakes, and therefore you need accumulated funds. Once you learn, you will no longer wonder about work. You will find the same cool one again, or return this one.

More? OK then. Did you like it. Write me letters about how you managed to solve a household problem with the help of money.

– A nephew or son is on the verge of expulsion from the University.

– Pay the dean. (No, I’m kidding of course, it’s immoral, and I never do that). Find out what's wrong with the child. If he is a drug addict, send him to Narconon, it is expensive, but effective and no psychiatrists. If he wants to change his activity, and here he does not realize himself in any way, transfer him to a place where he will realize himself. If he wants to study here, then send him to a two-day “Learn to Learn” course, after which you can show the dean that the boy has changed, understood the principle of learning, and return to the course.

– What if they don’t take it anyway?

– Here I would recommend that you and your son take another course, “Communication is Joy.” And then you both can convince the dean.

At twenty-three, I still didn’t know about such a course (in case you want to remind me of my failure).

You know, I understand each of you. I see your problems as my own. By the way, I actually visited many of them.

Therefore, do not throw me out of the clan as a boastful snob. I'm the same.

For example, one day my husband and I separated because of money.

We borrowed two and a half million rubles and found ourselves in a situation where we didn’t get what we wanted, but we couldn’t give it back either, because we’d spent it all and didn’t earn any new ones.

We then had sex mechanically, rarely, and constantly fought in between.

– It's all because of you.

– What are you talking about? And who begged me to take out loans?

“You’re an adult, you wouldn’t want to,” he refused.

– Yes? You are so smart now. Does this mean I have to take the rap? And you say you’re not in business. How to borrow debts from people, you're good. How should I be responsible for them? Should I immediately?

– Fuck you! – She went there herself and for a long time.

Oh, that was great! We were hot and brave then. Unbridled and passionate.

Is this how they usually show foreplay before wild sex in novels?

This is all untrue. At such moments, you are not passionate, but offended, angry, with a sour expression and emptiness inside.

You've probably seen how after this in films people throw themselves at each other and they have real passion.

So, as an option, the heroes managed to forgive each other and realize love in a split second. But ninety-nine percent of the time it's just staged. This is the idea of the director, screenwriter, and that’s it.

I've seen couples like this together. At first they forgave each other after a quarrel before coitus, and then they stopped doing this, as a result, love disappeared, sex disappeared, they got divorced.

My husband and I did not survive this moment then. Still, they broke up. It was two thousand and twelve. I clearly understood that if it weren’t for the issue of money, we would have managed it.

There is one more nuance. This is such a thing as possession. Well, that is, how much can you generally afford to have.

Looking now at my internal capabilities and abilities, I understand that if I had borrowed another five million back then, we would have achieved the goal, realized it, realized ourselves, earned money, increased the figure and repaid the debt. And most importantly, they wouldn’t quarrel and break up.

Does it sound scary?

Few people think like that.

I didn’t have enough gunpowder and self-confidence then, although later I saw a lot of examples of people not giving up and winning.

Do you know why I was hysterical, why I panicked?

My cousin was killed in St. Petersburg the year before. He was only forty, an entrepreneur, husband and father of a small son, he fell under someone’s hand, and I don’t even know what happened there.

My mother constantly reminded me of Vita. For her, my move to the City of Broken Lanterns turned out to be a huge stress. And we both succumbed to the influence.

Every time we talked on the phone, she told me: “Be careful.”

And she is a mother, you can understand her, but it is completely unimportant to synchronize with her emotionally.

If I hadn’t tried to prove to her then that Peter was safe, I would have looked at things more soberly.

I would buy an expensive suit, a car, and visit investors looking for investments in my incredible talent, IQ, and acumen.

Well, like many others, I gave up. Do you recognize yourself? Which one of you here has balls of steel? And who, like me, is a coward and lives according to the practice for years, afraid to stick his nose out?

Do not be afraid. I managed it anyway and went for the second approach.

I then returned Vladislav after about a month. We talked a lot, and I apologized. Girls, at such a moment, you need to realize that a man will not hear you until you apologize a thousand times. Even if you are right a hundred times, if it is actually mutual fault, do not even try to explain it to him.


First we apologize, openly, honestly, eye to eye, then we listen to all the shortcomings, disadvantages and what infuriates him. And finally we fix it. No need to argue. That's all later. Then, when he loves you again, trusts you, when he starts to hear you again, maybe after six months or a year, you will begin to express your point of view on the events that happened, gently and reasonably, gradually, not at once.

This trick will only work for you if you really love your man and want to be with him. You should completely forget about your grievances. For a while, of course. You can write them down in your diary so that you can return to this conversation in a year, and until then forget it.

Are you laughing? Me too. But, it worked for me twice.

We all agreed on the same debts. It was necessary to somehow resolve the issue in order to live peacefully further, and only then have sex.

We listed all our debts, highlighted those that need to be paid monthly and those that we can handle. With the rest, of course, not creditors, we agreed that we would return it no earlier than in a year or two.

And they started working. My husband found a profitable business and I joined. After two years, we actually paid off all our debts and bought a car. They also started investing in charity again.

Relationships were restored, love became stronger, life got a little better.


Flirting is a special type of betrayal that you should pay attention to as a trigger. This, of course, is not yet betrayal itself, but it is already close.

Who has never flirted in your life while being paired with another partner, stand up, I will give you a medal. We will all applaud and add you to the Red Book.

And we, earthly sinners, will continue to discuss bad deeds.


Flirting is a special way for a woman to feel attractive and sexy. When her libido is off the charts, it would be better for her husband to notice this and start flirting with her. Not openly, of course, he declared: “let’s go to bed,” but he was flirting.

We don't like monotony. The same man with the same approaches: “baby, you’re so sexy today, let’s go to bed” is bland, just like we are boring for them, probably when we don’t try to prettify ourselves and play different roles a little.

So, if a woman’s panties are stuck to the ceiling from another man, good luck, this is a bell. Not because we have a free-spirited nature, but because some other male representative turned out to be more charismatic than ours.

In the rented apartment where my husband and I lived in the poor twelfth year, a neighbor lived permanently. A tall eighteen-year-old guy with wild narcissism and good looks.

It seemed to me that he fell in love with me and every now and then he stopped himself from making any hints about the relationship between us, because I was busy.

I allowed myself to see him as a man, not a child, and flirt a little. What did all this lead to?

One evening, when my husband was on a business trip, I couldn’t get through on the phone.

And finally, at the other end of the phone, I hear the voice of a drunken Vladislav:

– I most likely won’t come again. I'm fine. Be happy. Bye.

I suddenly wanted to take a rock (not a rolling pin) and scratch his head. I was so angry. Did he really not have the courage to say everything to my face, to leave me sober? Finally, listen.

I lit a cigarette and cursed out loud. Mark saw me on the balcony upset and so defenseless that his instinct to take care of the poor woman took over.

We hugged, I shared a cigarette with him:

– Let's go to the bar.

– But my father won’t let me. (He was, it seems, not yet eighteen then)

– I'll agree. I pay for everything too.

– Then, of course, yes. “The guy’s eyes shone, and I felt like an old slut, even though I was only twenty-five.

Would it be cheating if we slept together then? No, because they abandoned me.

But that would be an act of pedophilia, and I didn’t want to go to prison at all.

The boy, you know, was already hardened, dating a married woman and various others. Sex had become firmly established in his life by that time. But I knew myself. Firstly, I didn’t want to break the law. Secondly, if it later turned out that Vladislav finally changed his mind about leaving, then how would I carry such a burden on myself.

The mom of exactly the same guy ruined everything in the same way. His parents had been arguing for a long time and everything was heading towards a breakup. They even voiced this intention to each other. And a fifty-year-old woman, a mother of four children, took on a lover.

Later, when everything became clear, she and her husband divorced, but her husband kept saying that if it weren’t for the betrayal, there was still a chance for recovery.

I remember his words perfectly. That's why I never even decided to kiss Mark.

We had a great game of billiards, drank whiskey, had a heart-to-heart chat, and then took a taxi home drunk.

I felt good, I forgot, not a single tear fell the whole evening. Perhaps I even made it up, and the guy just wanted to be a friend. But I know one hundred percent that if I had given free rein to my hormones, sex would have happened.

A woman usually doesn’t have to spend much time persuading a man who is interested in her.

David, remember, first love, was not interested in me, and it was obvious. Here they looked at me with admiration, their mouths slightly open.

The next day I decided to avoid him. Since then, we have become very distant, which Mark obviously didn’t like, but he didn’t have the courage to admit. Although there was a case when he deliberately, knowing that I was the first of the neighbors to return from work, sat at home naked at the table. He pretended to be surprised and went to put on his pants. However, I forever understood that there was still flirting. It ended with this incident, but it definitely happened.
