полная версияThe Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town

Lily Alex
The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town

Chapter 26: The Festival

«Larisa, wait!» Nina Lapina tried to keep up with her daughter, skipping along a path in the city park. Her foot still hurt when the woman tried to walk quickly.

She looked around with a smile, enjoying the sunny autumn morning.

«Why did the leaves begin changing color?» she wondered. «It’s still so warm and nice! Yesterday it was even as hot as summer! Probably, because the nights are getting longer…»

Lapina heard music, saw flags and tents, and heard the happy crowd. The festival had already started. Larisa ran, and Nina raced after her.

«Honey, not so fast,» she begged, and the girl stood, hopping with impatience.

«Why is Dad not with us?» she asked her mother with an upset voice.

«He’ll join us later.» The woman assured her, and they both sighed. Holding hands, they walked together.

* * * * *

«It’s the wrong reactive.» The deep calm voice of Vlad Lapin drove Lana from her thoughts back to her work. Ashamed, she took another test tube.

«Lana, please concentrate,» Lapin said to her. «It’s a very easy process, all that is required is to follow the correct procedures.»

Lana sighed and looked around the empty laboratory. Vlad was helping her with her project, and now they were alone.

«I wanted to ask you a long time ago,» Lana started irresolutely. Vlad gazed at her, and the captivating grin on his attractive lips mixed the girl up.

«Darn,» she thought admiring his pretty tender face. «He’s not my type, but he’s so cute! Like Cupid. Why is he a chemist? He should be a poet…»

«Ask,» Vlad said seeing she had stopped.

«Can you tell me more about Ruslan Grafinsky?»

Vlad’s blue eyes grew narrow, glinting through his long gold colored eyelashes.

«I can’t be objective,» he answered calmly. «He’s been my best friend for a long time. I can only compliment him.»

«Really?» she giggled, ashamed. «He’s ignoring me.» Lana glanced at the smiling Vlad, and became even more confused. «I mean, not ignoring, but…» She did not know how to explain, and cried, vexed.

«Oh girl, you want him to court you, too,» thought Vlad. «No way, his pride never allows him to be a supplement. He has to be the only one. And I understand it. I get crazy when Nina even looks at another man. Larisa… Wondering, what they’re doing right now? Damn my contract! I could be with them now… Come on, buddy, she’s paying for your time, this money will help your family

«Lana,» he addressed the weeping girl. «Pull yourself together. It’s great weather outside, the festival is running in the city park, and we’re stuck here. Let’s finish this damn work, and go enjoy it. Life is so short, don’t waste time.»

«You’re right.» Lana determinedly wiped her face and took up the next vial.

* * * * *

In the middle of the park, near the central playground, Nina Lapina saw police cars, fire trucks, and school buses organized in a line with all the doors open. The children were climbing into the vehicles, exploring and playing.

Larisa rushed forward and got into the first police car. Walking close behind her, Nina heard her daughter say to Jeff Menard, «I wanna be a policewoman!»

«Hi,» Nina said to Vera Grach. «Why are you here? I thought you were going to draw at the dog show.»

«Later.» Confused, Vera did not know how to explain. Her colorless cheeks blushed, like someone had spilled ketchup in milk. «Check it out, how do you like this?» Vera pointed to her work, and Nina looked.

The sketch showed a police car and a tall athletic black man in uniform with his arm on the open door and slightly leaning on it. Then Nina now understood the reason for Vera’s presence here and did not ask her any more.

Larisa got out of the car, and Nina nodded to Vera, «See you!» Slightly limping, Nina followed her daughter who was, in turn, chasing a squirrel.

The frightened animal climbed up the first shaft, and discovered with horror the shelter was the wrong place. The pole was about ten feet in height and the squirrel did not feel safe.

Trying to find a way to escape, the animal reared up on the top of the rod and Vera liked her expressive pose. She took away the picture of Jeff, and started a new sketch, drawing the squirrel, when a small black girl went close, and shyly took one of her brushes.

«Kimberly,» her mother addressed the child. «Don’t touch a thing!»

«It’s okay.» Vera gave the girl a paper. «Draw something.»

«Thank you,» the mother and the daughter said at once, and the girl started drawing.

Vera glanced at her, and thought, «The Afro genome is stronger than the Caucasian. If I have a child from Jeff, he or she will never look like me. Am I ready for that? Damn me, I am a whore. I had no man for a while, and I’m ready to sleep with a stranger! Not with a stranger,» she corrected herself. «With the man whom I love… What about Oleg? He hasn’t asked me about sex lately. Well, it’s okay with me; I’d refuse anyway. But why? He looks concerned. Maybe he doesn’t feel well or some troubles are disturbing him, and I don’t support or help him! Instead I’m thinking about sleeping with another man! I am a whore; yes, I am

Absorbed in her thoughts, Vera did not notice at once that the girl had finished her picture, and was trying to get her attention.

«Oh, sorry, honey.» Vera took the paper, and looked. It was a very childish picture, but the hard clearness of the lines impressed the artist, and she addressed the mother of this girl, «Your daughter has a gift. You should get her a teacher.»

«Really?» The woman smiled doubtfully, and Vera understood her concern, and offered, «If you’d like I can teach your daughter without charge. I’m busy, but once a week I can do it.»

«Oh, thank you. No, I’ll pay you. Not much, but I’ll do it.»

«It’s okay, you can pay as much as you can.» Vera stopped as she saw Ruslan Grafinsky and Lana’s father walking in the direction of her. They approached and said, «Hello.»

Then Mr. Limpson addressed Vera. «I’d like to know where your husband is?»

«With your daughter, I suppose,» answered Vera with such an emotionless voice that the businessman lost all his will to ask her more. She looked at him, and her strange barren face seemed to Mr. Limpson like a head of a sand rattlesnake.

«No wonder nobody dared say the truth to her.» He thought, getting nervous under her cryptic glare. He glanced at her work.

«Hmmm, not bad,» drawled the businessman. «I’d like to order a picture of my pet. It’s an albino weasel. Can you do this?»

«Like that?» Vera took her notebook, made a sketch, and showed it to the businessman.

He gazed at the paper, then again – at Vera. «If you can make a picture like that, I’ll load you with beans.»

«With beans?» asked Vera, amazed.

«I mean, I’ll pay you much more than you expect,» he explained, grinning.

«Thank you,» Vera answered calmly. «I’ll try my best. I am selling my works. However it’s not the major point.»

«As one Russian famous poet wrote,» cut in Ruslan Grafinsky. «The spirit is not for sale, but you can sell your manuscript.»

«You bet,» Vera looked away and saw Nina Lapina and Larisa walking deeper in the park. Vera wondered where Vlad and Nina’s mother, Alla, could be.

* * * * *

Vlad drove Lana to the park, and seeing how he immediately rushed away searching for his family, not looking back at her, not even saying goodbye, Lana envied Nina.

Well, at least Oleg was already here waiting for her, and the girl wanted to believe he had the same strong feelings for her as Vlad had for his wife.

«My beautiful princess!» Oleg addressed Lana. «I bought tickets, let’s go, sweetheart.»

«I need to see my father first,» said Lana, shaking her head.

«But we’ll be late.»

«Big deal.» She yawned. «I’m tired, I don’t wanna go.»

«Let’s go home, then,» he suggested, using his sensual insinuating voice. «I missed you, for my breath goes out.»

Lana stretched, feeling heat envelope her body.

«No,» she objected. «I have to see my farther.»

She went deeper into the park, and Oleg had to follow her.

«Stupid doll,» he was thinking, vexed. «Damn daddy’s daughter. She’s twenty-five, and she still listens to her pop like a baby. I need to be more active. But I’m tired. I’m so tired. I’m afraid I wouldn’t stand it for long. To Hell with all green paper! I’m exhausted and worn out. I wanna go home. Now I am acting like a baby! Come on, buddy!» Oleg calmed himself. «She’s almost ready, you can do it! It would be a shame if you’d give up! You never have! Hold on!»

They walked deep in the park and saw Lana’s father.

«Daddy!» She embraced him, and the businessman could not help beaming as he hugged her. He threw a glance at her escort, and Oleg had no time to change the composure of his face.

The cold cruel glint in Oleg’s glare struck the loving father, and he squeezed his daughter, ready to defend her even with his own life if necessary.

Oleg understood it, and smiled. His satisfied smirk, looking like the grin of a wolf, only increased all the worries of Mr. Limpson. He looked around and saw Ruslan gaze at Oleg, and the businessman felt support.

«It’s okay,» Mr. Limpson thought resolutely. «I’m not alone. Whatever that cocky boy says about Lana, I’m sure he loves her. We will make other plans. He’s smart; I wish I had a son like Ruslan

Suddenly the businessman noticed the angry look that Jeff Menard sent Oleg Merkulov’s way.

«Why does this policeman have a grudge against him?» wondered Mr. Limpson.

Everybody stared at Oleg now. Seeing Vera turn toward him, Oleg understood he had to do something.


«Be careful, buddy,» he said to himself as he walked close to his wife.

As he did, Jeff lowered his head, and moved aside. The amazed Mr. Limpson reasoned the situation out. However, Vera’s face still was the same indifferent mask, and he was not sure about her feelings for Jeff.

«How are you doing?» Oleg asked calmly. He spoke Russian, as it would look more natural, but he saw Ruslan was next to them, and Oleg knew the Limpsons would ask all the details of his talk with Vera.

«I’m fine,» she answered in the same tone, and Oleg could not believe his luck, as her reply was exactly what he needed from her right now. Seeing an upset Jeff, Vera glanced at her husband with vexation, then addressed Lana, «How’s your study, Miss Limpson?»

«It’s going good, thanks.» The girl gazed at her, but the woman did not understand her look.

«How to drive everybody out of here?» The only thought was running through her head. «Oh Jeff, don’t go away! I’ll make it somehow…»

«Oleg said you were going to the football game,» Vera continued talk with Lana. «Was I wrong? Or have you changed your mind?»

Surprised by her questions, the Limpsons and Ruslan did not reply, but a gladdened Oleg nodded, thinking, «Even if we arranged this with each other, she could not act better and more useful, helping me!»

Vera looked at her watch. «Then you should go, then. Or you will be late. Have fun!»

Grateful for his luck, Oleg sighed with relief, then gently, yet resolutely, he took the hand of a perplexed Lana, and almost tearing the girl from the arms of her father, he led her to his car. Ruslan and Mr. Limpson exchanged glances. But Vera saw only Jeff smiling happily at her.

«I will make a picture of your pet, Mr. Limpson,» Vera said to the businessman. «I can’t tell you the exact date, as I can draw only when I have the appropriate mood. When it’s done, I’ll contact you. Anything else?»

«No,» Mr. Limpson replied with bitterness, watching Oleg driving his daughter away.

«Then if you don’t mind, I’d like to continue my work.» Vera took a brush and started drawing again demonstratively not looking around.

«Good luck,» Mr. Limpson murmured quietly, then went toward the parking lot. A disappointed Ruslan followed him.

When they were out of earshot from Vera, Mr. Limpson started addressing Grafinsky, «I won’t ask her for assistance. I simply can’t. You may laugh, dear Ruslan, but this woman scared me. I don’t know, how to explain this, but she seems not a human, but some kind of plenipotentiary of Fate.»

«All my life I was fighting my Fate,» retorted Ruslan.

«And how successfully?»

«We should not give up. The question is about the life of Lana. I feel the situation has become much more serious.»

«Then we need another plan, Ruslan.» Mr. Limpson sighed, getting into his limousine, and Ruslan sat next to him.

* * * * *

Seeing everybody leave Vera, an exhilarated Jeff went close to her again. He needed a reason to be next to her, and he found it when Kimberly, the black girl, took another piece of paper and Vera was arranging with her mother a date for the first lesson for her daughter.

Jeff knew this woman, they were almost pals, and he was glad to cut into the discussion, and did it easily, without effort.

Vera smiled. Her beloved man was beside her and the woman enjoyed this.

Despite the outsiders, Vera and Jeff were vastly blissful, feeling as if they were alone in the whole wide world. No one existed for them now.

Love makes people egoists, but they cannot be blamed for this.

* * * * *

Looking for her mother, Nina walked around the park.

She saw the VanSteins sitting side-by-side on a bench next to the playground watching Dylon playing in the sandbox. Hannah was not there. However Nina dared not approach them and ask about her.

This morning Nina had received a letter from Marina. She had not read it yet. There was no time, as she wanted to read it in peace. She just took a peep. There was a photo. Marina was hugging some guy and a girl, and Nina wondered who these people were. The letter was in her purse right now, and the woman felt confused, as if the VanSteins could see it.

Besides, Nina noticed that other people avoided them as well.

In the very midst of the cheerful crowd, in the center of the festival, the VanSteins were all alone, like in a deep desert, just as though they were inside a magic circle.

«Poor them,» Nina whispered under her breath. «It should probably take some time while they regained respect and reputation.» She stealthily passed behind their bench, and walked to the pet show.

Larisa saw a petting zoo, and ran into the pen. She met Hannah there, and the gladdened girls started chatting. Nina heard the ringing voice of her mother, and went close.

«What a dog.» Alla petted a blue-eyed husky, chocolate in color. «I wish I had a puppy from him.»

«Sorry, it’s impossible,» the owner replied. «He’s fixed.»

«Fixed?» surprised, Alla looked at Bill Thompson standing next to her.

«He has been castrated,» explained Bill.

«Awful!» Throwing her arms up, Alla addressed the husky’s owner with a reproaching intonation, «You’re an awful, awful man. How could you deny such a beauty a chance to be a father?»

Bill dared not say that Goldy had been sterilized also. He saw Nina, and was glad to find a reason to move the attention of Alla from that husky.

«Your daughter is here,» Bill told Alla, and the woman spun toward her.

All together they went to the petting zoo, and Bill treated Nina and the playing girls with apples.

«I know why dogs eat apples, and cats don’t,» Larisa said, biting the juicy fruit with relish. «Because dogs eat sweet things and cats don’t.»

The adults laughed.

«Ah, here you are,» they heard, and saw Vlad Lapin holding a large pizza box and a pack of soft drinks. «I knew you would be somewhere around the animals.»

«Pizza!» exclaimed Nina, as she greatly loved Italian food. «Honey, but it’s so expensive.»

«Don’t worry, Lana bought it.» Her husband smiled.

The Lapins, Hannah, Bill Thompson, and Alla all went to the first free table and the feast began.

Everybody was hungry and ate greedily, and Vlad looked at them with a smile. Wearing a wide short-sleeved blouse spotted as if made from leopard skin, Nina stared at her husband. Her clothes and shaggy black hair flying with the wind called out a deep instinct, arousing a strange dream in his mind.

Not a scientist was sitting in a park in the heart of Civilization, but a male savage returning from a difficult hunt. He came back with some food, and he fed his clan.

An old couple shyly ate, gladdened that he did not drive them away and allowed them to join the group and have part of the meal. Vivacious cubs bustled with their portions. And here was the dominant big-breasted vivid female, his lovely mate looking at him with adoration and rapture.

Vigorous, sturdy and lively, she was illuminated with young energy and verve, and her healthy body was trembling, overflowing with strengths and desire.

He knew, when night took its right, this woman would be his again. She would make love with the same greediness as she was now eating.

And her passion, her eagerness, her selfless devotion were the best reward for all his efforts and caring for the family.

Chapter 27: Truth

Two weeks went by.

Patrolling, Jeff Menard was driving through the campus when he saw Oleg Merkulov and Lana Limpson playing tennis. He parked not far away to watch them.

Jeff was an experienced man, and he understood at once that the tennis was just an excuse, that Oleg was courting Lana, and she was responding. Jeff could not hear their talk, but their poses and motions were explicit enough.

Sometimes Lana laughed and her sincere guffawing painfully echoed in the soul of the policeman. Oleg lost a ball again, and Lana went close to him. Showing him how to hold the racket correctly, she hugged him, Oleg turned, and they kissed each other.

It was more than Jeff could stand. Mad, he got out of his car, and strode quickly to them.

The lovers noticed him coming, but it did not bother them. However, Oleg saw the policeman was really angry and he grew worried, for he could not imagine the reason for such frenzy.

Jeff wished to arrest Oleg, but it was no crime, and his sense of duty overcame his jealousy. The officer did not know what to say.

«I have to tell Vera,» he thought. «No, she won’t believe me. Maybe she would think I made up this story to set her against her husband

«What?» started Lana seeing the men just staring at each other, keeping silent. «Problems?»

«Miss Limpson!» Jeff spun to her. «You are the daughter of such a respectable man. How could you behave like this? Shame on you.»

«It’s my personal life,» the girl retorted angrily. «It’s none of my father’s business. And it’s none of your business either. If I’d like to kiss the President, I’ll do it, and I won’t ask cops for permission.»

«I have no right to talk to her like this.» Jeff thought about Vera. «I’m doing the same thing. What does the Bible say? „Do you look at the mote in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the beam in your own eye?“ Matthew 7:3 if I remember right…»

Not saying another word, Jeff slowly walked back to his car. The puzzled lovers looked at him. Then they gazed at each other.

Oleg sighed. «You see, sweetheart, the whole world is against us. For you I’m ready to go through any shame and humiliation, but I can’t allow to you the same. If the police start to impede our love…» He hung his head, stealthily watching her reaction.

Her countenance turned stern and resolute, and Oleg noticed with displeasure how much the girl looked like her father.

«I’ll be back,» she said, and left. Oleg wondered where she had gone.

Lana came back quickly, but her face had a very strange look.

«I called my father,» she explained. «I told him that you asked me to marry you, and I agreed.»

Oleg threw his arms up. «My sunshine. I can’t believe it.» He fell on his knees, and bowed low. «My queen! You made your slave feel like the richest king in the world.»

Lana smiled and put a tennis racket on his shoulder as if it was a sword. «I pronounce you the Prince of Limpson Estate.» She laughed, but became serious again.

«Dad’s right.» Lana gave Oleg such an odd look that he felt worry, and got up, gazing at her. «It’s not a phone talk. Drive me to him. He has something to tell you.»

«I bet he won’t allow you to marry me.» Oleg said in tragic tone, and hung his head, showing all the hopelessness what he was able to scrape together.

«He can’t do this.» Lana grinned. «I’m of age.»

«Oh, I forgot.» Oleg slapped his forehead. «You look so young… My dear girl…»

«But he can stop giving me money…» She glanced at Oleg, and he smiled.

«I wish he’d do that.»

«Why?» wondered Lana.

«Because you both will see that I love only you, not your money,» he uttered intimately looking deep into her eyes. «We’ll go to Russia, then, and I’ll give you a real life, the life that you deserve…»

His talk, as usual, charmed the girl, but the words of her father sounded in her mind, and Lana sighed. «Let’s go, honey. Be ready to hear something that’s not nice.»

«Anything for my love!» he declared so carnally that the girl felt guilty, for she trusted her father more than she believed Oleg.

* * * * *

«Mr. Merkulov,» Mr. Limpson greeted him coldly. «My daughter informed me about your proposal. I hope you already have made the deal with your wife. As I know, you haven’t divorced her yet.»

«As I told you, it’s just the formalities.» Oleg tried to talk and smile as nicely as he could.

«I want to believe you,» Mr. Limpson continued, still searching Oleg. «But I don’t. I don’t believe you, and I don’t trust you.»

«Daddy!» Lana gasped. «You promised.»

«Give me a test, then.» Oleg kept smiling. «I’m ready to go through fire and water to prove my love for your daughter.»

Lana sighed with delight, but her father frowned, «Words, words, words. I am a businessman, Mr. Merkulov. Invest one hundred thousand into my corporation, and you are in.»

Lana glanced at him, then back at her boyfriend, but, to his surprise, she said nothing.

«I am a businessman too,» Oleg replied. «All my money is tied up in affairs. I am not a millionaire, and I don’t pretend to be.»


«Okay.» Mr. Limpson got up. «When you finish your affairs…» He snorted. «When you show me the money, we can continue our talk.»

Oleg understood that the audience was over, and got to his feet also. They nodded to each other, and the lovers left.

On their way home they kept silent for a while.

Lana started talking first. «I’m sure you can do it.»

«I need to be in Moscow for that.» Oleg looked askance at the girl.

«I’m coming with you, then.»

«But we sold our apartment, and I can’t allow you live in a hotel. It’s too dangerous.» He hoped Lana would understand the hint, and she did.

«I’ll buy an apartment,» she said resolutely. «I will buy it for myself, so dad won’t worry. How much will it cost?»

«About 120,000—150,000. But you have to pay cash and at once.» Oleg watched her reaction. Lana thought.

«I have an account big enough to afford it,» she replied slowly. «But we have to work fast, if you don’t want my dad to interfere.»

Oleg closed his eyes for a second. His plan had worked so easily, he could not believe his luck.

«Let’s go to my place,» Lana told him. «Call your broker right now.»

* * * * *

When they reached her apartment, Oleg did not waste time. He made a call.

«Nikolay,» Oleg spoke Russian. «I have just talked with that bag of money. Of course, he understood what I’m looking for. But I have a plan to trick that old fox. His daughter is a blockhead. She will help me. She wants to buy an apartment in Moscow. Find me one that would cost about 150 grand, but I need it to be less than on paper. I want to cash that fifty.»

«I’ve got it.» Nikolay giggled. «I already know a few such apartments. I’ll call you. How about your wifey?»

«It’s okay,» Oleg smiled. «I’ll kick her out as soon as I can. My fiancée thinks I’ll be just a perfect, lovable hubby. Hah! As soon as I get her money, I send her to follow my present wife. Lana’s not a bad person, but I’m already tired of her primitive love.»

«Are you sure she doesn’t understand Russian?»

«Nope!» Oleg snorted. «It’s so funny how she’s listening to our talk. She’s making a smart face. When we get to Moscow, I think I’ll ask her pops to send me some wampum. Got it?»

«Still wanna boost her? You’re taking a risk, buddy.»

«Now we can do it much easier.» Oleg sat comfortably. «Nikiforov’s boys can do it, and I’ll hire them for that. Contact them, use that ’apartment money’ for this. I will ’save’ my fiancée, and I’ll honestly share with you all the dough that we are able to squeeze from that milk cow.»

«I don’t get it,» Nikolay said. «Why don’t you wanna just marry her?»

«Thanks! And beg for every cent to spend? Her daddy’s not old, and he’s as healthy as a young bull. I bet he’ll live to two hundred years. He could even get married again and leave everything to his wifey. What could I do, then? No, better an egg today, than a hen tomorrow. Okay, buddy, work on it. That cow is next to me. She’s getting bored. Better go.»

He put the receiver into its place and hugged Lana, «Everything will be fine, my love.»

Her reaction surprised Oleg. She gazed at him with the same strange look that she gave him on the tennis court. But she started to talk, and her request dispelled his worry, «Could you go and talk with your wife right now? I want to be sure…»

«I’m on my way, my love.» Merkulov fervidly kissed her, and left.

* * * * *

Shuddering with vexation, Jeff Menard drove to Vera’s apartment, went to the door, and knocked. Sure that she was not here, he just wanted to check it out. But to his pleasant surprise she was at home and opened the door.

She was wearing a light yellow T-shirt and khaki pants, making her look like a snake, and her chestnut braid going along her thin lithe body intensified this likeness. Vera gazed at him, and her pale cheeks became the color of the snow treated with pink by sunrise.

His heart relented with love. His anger was gone in a second and jealous spite converted into a hopeless painful feeling.

«You’re home,» Jeff murmured happily. Moving slowly, as if in a dream, he went inside.

«Mr. Limpson ordered a picture,» Vera explained, walking to the kitchen. «Are you hungry?»

«No.» Jeff felt his mouth was dry as a desert. «Some cola would be okay.»

Vera took a can from the refrigerator. «Ice?»

«Two cubes please.»

He watched, charmed at the way she poured the drink into a tall elegant goblet. Her long thin fingers moved and held things like tentacles, bewitching Jeff.

He took the goblet from her, and when their skin touched he felt as if he was going insane, and barely restrained the desire to grab her hand with all his overblown passion.

Not saying a word, they went to the living room, and Jeff looked at her work.

It was a sketch showing an albino weasel ready to leap forward. Vera neared her easel, and gazed at the picture. Then, taking it away, she walked to her closet and put it inside.

«Later,» she explained to Jeff. «I lost my mood. I can’t draw without spirit.»

«Sorry that I disturbed you,» Jeff said, tasting his drink. «But why don’t you use a photo when you’re drawing?»

«You can’t show everything in the photo.» She smiled. «Wanna see an example? Tell me some scene that you remember from your childhood.»

Looking at her with surprise, Jeff thought for a while, then told her how his parents had bought him a kitten.

Vera listened to him very attentively.

When he finished his story, she closed her eyes, and went to her easel in a meditative state. Taking a brush, she stared at the paper, and started drawing.

Enraptured, Jeff observed Vera. She drew very quickly, all her body curved following her arm. It seemed as though she was dancing. Her braid stirred and shook, jiggled and jarred on her back, and Jeff felt hypnotized, as if it was a real snake.

Keeping his eyes fixed on her braid, he got up and went closer. He looked at the picture.

The sketch showed a boy playing with a young cat. They were not clear and it was like looking through fog; it could have been any other boy, any kitten.

Jeff realized what Vera had tried to explain. When you are looking at a photo, you can see only what it shows.

In contrast, the works of Vera Grach forced the viewer to use their imagination to finish the picture, turning dreams and memories into specific images.

Her braid hit against his hand. Jeff mechanically took it, and Vera gazed at him. He saw her face near to his, and he did not even realize that their lips linked.

They fell down onto the carpet and knocked over the easel.

The only thought to flash into Jeff’s mind of how stupid and banal a situation it would be if Oleg would come back right now and see them making love.

* * * * *

Smiling, they laid there looking at each other.

«I love you,» he whispered. Vera kissed him.

«I don’t want to share you.» He felt a bitter pain prick his heart. Her face clouded a little, and she tenderly petted his cheek.

«Divorce. Please.» He shook his head. «You are my life. I can’t, I don’t want to live without you. I don’t want to share you.»

«Jeff,» she said, hesitating. «I just want to inform Oleg at the right time, and in the right way.»

«Do anything that you wish or that you think is best for you.» He hugged Vera again, and closed his eyes. «Just don’t leave me…»
