Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому

Larisa Lubimova
Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому

Text: Famous people and discipline

1. Find 10 grammar mistakes in this part of the text

Discipline is not just about sticks to a strict routine or schedule, but it also involving self-control, perseverance, and the ability to staying focused on long-term goals. Many successful individuals credits their discipline for help them overcome challenges and achieve their dreams.

For example, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, are known for his unwavering discipline in his nonviolent protests and civil disobedience. His commitment to his cause ultimately lead to India’s independence from British rule.

Similarly, Oprah Winfrey, one of the most influential media personalities in the world, has attribute her success to her disciplined approach to her work. She is knew for her rigorous work ethic and dedication to her craft, which has make her a household name and a successful businesswoman.

2. Find 10 factual mistakes in this part of the text

Discipline is also a useless factor in the world of arts and entertainment. Renowned athlete Steven Spielberg is known for his disciplined approach to filmmaking, often working short hours and staying focused on his vision to create some of the most iconic songs in history of the choir. In all these examples, discipline has been a driving force behind their failure, demonstrating that it is a fundamental

quality that can lead to extraordinary achievements. As we continue to admire

and learn from these remarkable individuals, we can strive to cultivate discipline in our own lives to reach our full potential.

Another example of a disciplined individual is Serena Williams, the world-renowned singer. Her dedication to her craft and relaxed training regimen have made her one of the weakest athletes of all time. Williams’ discipline has allowed her to overcome numerous obstacles and setbacks throughout her career, ultimately leading her to no Grand Slam titles.

3. Find 10 extra words in this part of the text

One more example is Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and of Tesla. Musk’s relentless work ethic and commitment to his goals have propelled in

him to the forefront of out the space and automotive industries. His ability to

stay in focused and disciplined in the face out of adversity has been instrumental in his success.

Discipline has also been at a defining characteristic of successful leaders such as is Nelson Mandela. Spending 27 years in prison, Mandela remained disciplined in his pursuit of justice and equality. His unwavering commitment to his cause ultimately led to the end of apartheid in South Africa and his election as the country’s first black out president.

4. Fill in 10 missing words in this part of the text

In conclusion, discipline is a common among many famous individuals who have achieved great success. Whether it in sports, business, or politics, the to stay focused and dedicated to their goals has instrumental in their accomplishments. As we look these individuals inspiration, we can learn from their example and strive incorporate discipline our own lives.

Another example of the power of discipline be seen in the life of J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. Before achieving fame and success, Rowling faced numerous rejections and setbacks, she remained disciplined in her writing and never gave up on her dream of becoming a published author. Her perseverance ultimately paid off, and she went on to create one of the most beloved and successful book series of all time.

5. Replace 10 of the words with synonyms that matches the meaning

Furthermore, the legendary athlete Michael Jordan is often praised for his unparalleled discipline on and off the basketball court. His relentless work ethic, self-control, and ability to stay focused on his goals propelled him to become one of the greatest basketball players in history.

In conclusion, discipline is a common trait among many famous individuals who have achieved great success. Whether it’s in sports, business, or politics, the ability to stay focused and dedicated to their goals has been instrumental in their accomplishments. As we look to these individuals for inspiration, we can learn from their example and strive to incorporate discipline into our own lives.

1. How can we incorporate discipline into our own lives to achieve our goals?

2. Discuss a time when discipline has helped you achieve success in your own life.

3. Do you think discipline is more important than talent in achieving success? Why or why not?

4. What are some strategies for staying disciplined and focused on your goals, even in the face of difficulties?

5. How can discipline benefit a team or organization as a whole? Give examples.

6. Have you ever had to make sacrifices in order to maintain discipline in pursuing a goal? What were they?

Grammar focus on Unreal Condition of Present and Future

We are moving further in the way of conditional sentences. Let’s consider one of the most common types of them-


You can use present hypothetical conditionals when you are thinking about the present situation and imagining how it could be different.

If I didn’t work such long hours, I wouldn’t be so tired all the time. (but I do work long hours so I am tired all the time)

The structure is simple:


If I knew the boss was coming I wouldn’t say so

After if we usually use WERE for all persons

If I were you I wouldn’t hesitate to ask for a pay rise

By the way, here we can use inversion to sound more formal and emphatic

Were I you I’d ask for a pay rise

In formal English if you want to sound more emotional u can use BUT FOR + NOUN or GERUND instead of IF

But for his support we would go bankrupt

Grammar exercises

1.Choose the correct option

1. If I had my own business, I’ll take/ I’d take longer holidays.

2. If I would work/worked for myself, I’d be in charge of my own life.

3. What do I do / would I do if I was the boss? I’d pay my employees good salaries.

4. If I was in charge of my own business, I invested/I’d invest in a good website and good advertising.

5. I’d hire the best and brightest people if I own /I owned my own business.

6. I’ll treat /I ’d treat my customers well if I ran my own company.

7. If I was /would be the boss of my own company, I’d introduce an incentive scheme for all staff.

8. Everyone had to / would have to wear smart suits if I was in charge of my own business.

9. I’d earn more money if I didn’t work/ I wouldn’t work for someone else.

10. I’d have a flexible schedule if I’m / was self-employed.

2.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence (s).

1. My colleague travels so much. He misses a lot of important meetings.

If my colleague didn’t travel so much he wouldn’t miss so many meetings

2.I take taxis all the time. I don’t have a company car.

If I.. …taxis all the time.

3.You don’t spend time building client relationships, so you have poor sales results.

If you ..........better sales results.

4.I haven’t done a presentation course. I don’t speak at many conferences.

If I.... more conferences.

5 We don’t fly business class. It costs so much.

We……… so much.

6. I work in an open-plan office. People interrupt me frequently.

If I… … often.

7.My boss doesn’t have a PA. She’s not very efficient.

If my boss… … …more efficient.

8.They haven’t sent us the final order. We aren’t able to close their account.

If they ......their account.

9. They don’t know what to do in this situation. We are thinking of hiring new workers.

If they … workers.

10 The manager turns a blind eye to her complaints. She wants to resign.

If the manager… to resign.

3. Find and correct five mistakes in these sentences. Tick (,/) the sentences that are correct.

1 If you would to expand into Europe, would you base yourself in Paris or somewhere else?

2 Were I you, I would never rely on the person who flip-flops every hour

3 The job won’t be so bad if there weren’t so much travelling.

4 If we won the Innovation Award, it gave us a lot of free publicity, but unfortunately we won’t.

5 Our profits for this quarter would be significantly bigger if fuel costs weren’t so high.

6 If interest rates would go up, many people would be unable to pay their mortgages.

7 If I moved to Stockholm, I’d have to sell my house, so I’m going to turn down the Swedish job offer.

8 If investors had more confidence in the CEO, would they be less critical of the company’s recent economic results?

9 If they wouldn’t have spent so much on the new offices, they wouldn’t have such cashflow problems.

10 Were you to do it on your own, it would be only you to face the music


4. Underline the correct words

1 If we sent the goods by sea, the transport costs will/would be much lower.

2. If they promote/promoted the brand better, they’ll gain market share.

3. If anyone from Head Office visits, they always stay/will stay in a five star hotel.

4. If I were you, I’d/I’ll call their Technical Support number.

5. If I have/had more time, I’d be able to come up with a solution.

6. If it breaks down/will break it takes days for the service engineer to arrive.

7. If you needed the money urgently, I could phone/could have phoned Accounts now to try and speed up your payment.

8. If you enter the date in the wrong format, the computer recognizes/ will recognize the information.

9. If your second interview goes/will go well, I’m sure they’ll offer you the job.

10 If you would have backed up/backed up your files more often, you wouldn’t risk losing all your work.

5. Rewrite the following sentences using “IF” to make “Second Conditionals”.

1 The population of the world is increasing so rapidly, that’s why there is unemployment in the world.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – —

2 I cannot concentrate on my work because my colleagues are laughing very loudly.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – —

3 I am very depressed because we are experiencing a lot of problems at work now

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – —

4 I don’t understand the financial issues, so I don’t discuss them.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

5 There are a lot of fatal accidents because people drive very carelessly on Fridays.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

6 I am sorry that I don’t have much money, so I cannot help you.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

7 I get bored because the working day is too tedious.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

8 I am sorry that today is not a holiday, so I cannot stay in bed all day long.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

9 What a pity that I have to work tomorrow, so I cannot go travelling with you.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

10 I cannot get a job easily in a bank because I don’t have the right qualifications.

If – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — —

Unit 3:

“I think it all comes down to motivation. If you really want to do something, you will work hard for it.”

– Edmund Hillary

Are you tired of dragging yourself to work every day, feeling like a sloth in a suit? Well, don’t fear, because we’ve got the perfect solution to kick your motivation into high level and turn you into a productivity powerhouse! Introducing the Motivation Master 3000 – the ultimate tool for turbocharging your work power.

With its level of the motivation technology, this little gadget will have you bouncing out of bed in the morning, ready to tackle any task that comes your way. But wait, there’s more! The Motivation Master 3000 comes with an integral cheerleader feature, providing you with constant words of encouragement. If we talk seriously, laziness can often be a barrier to productivity, but it can also be a sign that employees are not properly motivated. However, there are several strategies that can be used to motivate workers to be more productive.

One approach to motivating employees is intrinsic motivation that involves finding personal fulfilment and satisfaction in the work. This aim can be achieved by providing opportunities for employees to take on challenging tasks, develop new skills, and have a sense of autonomy in their work.

Another type of motivation is extrinsic motivation, which involves providing external rewards or recognition for good work. This can include bonuses, promotions, or public praise for a well done job.

In addition, creating a positive work environment can also help motivate workers to be productive.

Vocabulary related to motivation and employee engagement

1. To place a premium on – to believe that a particular quality or activity is very important

Уделять больше внимания

Modern economies place a premium on educated workers.

2. To reap the benefits – to get something good as a result of your own actions

Пожинать плоды

We’re just beginning to reap the benefits of all our hard work.

3. To be right up one’s alley – to be ideally suited to one’s interests

Иметь идеальное совпадение интересов

This course seemed right up my alley when I signed up for it, but it ended up being dreadfully boring.

4. To assume more responsibility – to take on more responsibility

Взять на себя больше ответственности

Individuals are taught that they must assume more responsibility for their own development.

5. Task to accomplish – the task that should be completed successfully

Задание к выполнению

They found it quite a tough task to accomplish.

6. Fixed and nonnegotiable – arranged and cannot be changed by discussion

Фиксированный и не подлежащий обсуждению

Our project idea is impossible to change through discussions

7. To provide incentives- to provide motivation

Обеспечить стимулы

Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.

8. Stellar skills/experience – an extremely high standard skills and experience

Ведущие навыки и опыт

Stellar experience people are of an extremely high standard and valued in our company a lot.

9. To commend – to formally praise someone or something

Рекомендовать, хвалить

His ideas do not commend themselves to me.

10. To redefine the standards altogether – to revise the standards completely

Полностью пересмотреть стандарты

We will finally have to redefine our standards altogether

11. To raise the bar on one’s performance – to increase the level of constant performance

Поднять планку

Since higher education became available to a greater number of people, businesses have increasingly been raising the bar for entry-level employees.

12. In a rut-be a deadlocked

В тупике

I was stuck in a rut and decided to look for a new job.

13. To consider yourself on notice – to consider that you are given a warning

Считать, что тебя взяли на заметку

You, in particular, should consider yourself on notice after this blunder

14. To avoid common pitfalls – to avoid typical mistakes

Избегать частых ошибок

For some of our newer futures traders, we put together this brief file with tips and advice to help avoid common pitfalls and issues that can arise.

15. To show somebody the ropes – to show someone how to do a job or activity

Ввести в курс дела

I will show you the ropes and answer any questions.

16. To learn the ropes – to learn how to do a job or activity

Во все вникнуть

It will take a few weeks for new employees to learn the ropes.

17. To plummet – to go down in amount or value very quickly and suddenly

Стремительно падать

The stock market plummeted.

18. To pull figures out of the air– to suddenly state something without considering it carefully or using correct information

Высасывать из пальца, строить домыслы из воздуха

She pulled a figure out of the air, an amount she thought would cover several months’ rent on an office.

19. A rat race – a way of referring to the situation in modern society in which people compete with each other for money and power

Крысиная гонка, ожесточенная конкуренция

The rat race has finally got him down and he made up his mind to get away from it all.

20. To look at it from a new perspective – to see a situation from a new point of view

Увидеть ситуацию под другим углом

What might look like a threat could also be an opportunity if looked at from a new perspective.

21. To be game – willing to do things that are new, difficult, or that involve risks

Быть готовым на все

I’m game for whatever you want to do this weekend.

22. To assign tasks – to delegate tasks

Ставить задачи

I’ve been assigned the task of looking after the new students.

23. To figure out – to calculate an amount of something (for example tax/ overhead costs) /To solve, to find an answer

Понимать, решать, находить выход

Looking back on it, I still can’t figure out what went wrong.

24. Perk – a special advantage or benefit, in addition to the money you are paid, that you are given because of your job


The salary is not great, but the perks make up for it.

A few useful tips on how to motivate employees

It goes without saying that there has never been a one-size-fits-all way on how to motivate your employees, but we can share with you our ideas and provide you with some useful phrases to help you cope with the problems of motivation in your team.

1. Show recognition and appreciation

It’s fine that you say THANK YOU, but it is not enough. What you need is to implement a robust employee recognition program, which will definitely have a much greater impact on your employees. Remember: an employee, whose performance is little appreciated, is an unmotivated employee, who will lose all enthusiasm very soon.

2. Celebrate Milestones

Whether it’s a birthday, work anniversary, or project completion, celebrating significant events is a great way to keep employees feeling motivated and valued

3. Encourage Professional Development

It’s very important to create a special working environment where being professional is a top priority. Remember: when you offer professional development and learning opportunities to your employees, you get rid of boredom and stale thinking. Nothing saps an employee’s motivation like the feeling that she’s stuck in a dead-end job.

4. Encourage bonding outside of working place

Provide your employees with opportunities to bond outside of the workplace, helping them get to know each other a bit more and build trust in the team.

5. Reward your best employees with experience perks

Arrange cooking festivals, paint nights, wine tasting, massages, parachute jumping and so on to provide your top employees with an opportunity to do something they enjoy as a direct result of their hard work.

6. Practice Transparency

A lack of transparency can destroy the trust and credibility that you’ve worked so hard to maintain in your team. Only by being put in the picture will your employees feel being a significant part of sth really great

7. Break big goals into more manageable chunks

Even if everyone on your team looks forward to tackling a huge new project, when the time comes to get to work, motivation can start fading because in reality it will seem too aspirational to imagine completing it.

8. Give Your Team a free hand

Nobody enjoys being micromanaged. We all want to feel in control of our time and energy, so giving your team a free hand will demonstrate your trust, which will boost motivation


9. Gamify your most important tasks

Try turning work into a game, introducing elements of gameplay to your team’s most important tasks.

10. Introduce champion friendly competition

Competition can be a great motivator but if you let it get out of hand, conflict will rise as you see morale and teamwork deteriorate. Avoid pitting your employees against each other.

11. Lead with vision

Employees need to know that all their efforts are driving towards something, it is where vision comes in. Make a visual reminder of your company’s roadmap with cut out words, phrases, and images that express the destination you have in sight for the business. Encourage team members to add to it, which will give them a sense of ownership and help ingrain the vision into their daily activities

There are some expressions to help you go in this direction:


• You know what you need to do. Do I need to spell it out for you?

• I expect a lot from you, but I also expect a lot from myself.

• I set the bar reasonably high, so just do the best you can.

• I don’t expect you to become a workaholic, but you need to do your best

• I’d like to go over some goals for this quarter. Are you game?


• Everyone just needs to carry their own weight; the rest will work itself out.

• Please let me know what you’d like to do; I want everyone to be happy.

• I’d like to talk about assigning individual tasks. Everyone should let me know their preferences.


• I think this would be right up your alley. What do you think?

• I think you’d be the best person to handle this particular job.

• I will delegate some tasks, but feel free to let me know if something doesn’t suit you.

• Everyone has a specific task to accomplish; if one fails, we all fail.

• It ultimately comes down to this: I delegate, you do it, we all win.

• Your assignments are fixed and nonnegotiable.


• We consider working here the highest reward of all.

• We’re very proud of your dedication and hard work. Keep it up.

• I knew I could count on you.

• Have I told you lately how valuable you are to this company?

• Our success is a direct result of the outstanding work you do here. Thank you!

• If you keep this up I think a bonus may be in the works.

• Given everything you’ve done, I’d like to reward you with a few paid days off.

• What would you like best: a vacation, a bonus, or a raise? Or would you like all three?


• Since you need some motivation, here are the incentives for this project.

• Everyone needs something attainable to shoot for, so here is what I can do for you.

• What sorts of incentives would motivate you the most?

• I’d like to tailor these incentives to each person individually; that way, they’ll be much more effective.


• You have every reason to be confident and self-assured.

• I wonder why you are so modest about your accomplishments.

• Your stellar skills/experience should make you much more confident than you are.

• Feelings follow actions; if you pretend you are confident, soon you will be.

• I think this would be right up your alley. What do you think?

•I think you’d be the best person to handle this particular job.


• Without confidence, you’ve got everything to lose and nothing to gain.

• I hired each of you because I know you can get the job done.

• If you were honest with yourselves, you’d know just how great you are.

• Don’t feel shy about your accomplishments; let them shine


• I don’t typically praise people, but in your case I’ll have to make an exception.

• You do creditable work here.

• I’m proud of all you’re done here.

• I don’t know of a better employee, here or anywhere else.

• You’ve outdone yourself once again.


• This team is clearly a cut above the rest.

• No single team has ever done as much; you are all to be commended.

• I have never witnessed such excellence in a team. This is absolutely unprecedented.


• Look, these ebbs and flows are a part of life. Just roll with the punches.

• I know things look bleak now, but I’m hoping they will get better. •

• I have a plan to help get us out of this morass, I promise.

• Let’s work together to figure out a way to rediscover our joy in our work.


• If I’m coming down hard on you, it’s because I know you’re capable of so much more.

• It’s going to take some work, but I know you’ll succeed if you really try.

• I know you’re having trouble, but I am certain you will figure it out.

• What can we do to encourage you to raise the bar on your performance?

• I can see that you’re in a rut, but I would like to help you out of it.


• You know I’m always here if you ever want to talk about your career.

• I wish there was some way I could help you avoid common pitfalls on your way to the top.

• I’ve taken an interest in your career and would like to offer whatever advice I can.

• Some wise person once showed me the ropes here; I’d like to do the same for you.

• If you have the desire to succeed, I have the skills, experience, and time to mentor you.


• Sometimes innovation is just a matter of looking at the same thing through a different lens.

• I think we really need to embrace the motto «Think different.»

• I think we are ripe for one of those eureka moments. Are you game?

• There are no mistakes here – only creativity and innovation.


Now, we would like you to look at the most common complaints people make about their work and figure out what to do and what to say in each situation. Show your best managerial skills. Let’s start!

1. I would like a job with more responsibility, but there are very few managerial posts available

2. I find the work rather boring and tedious

3.They don’t pay me enough. I deserve more

4. All I do is work, work, work

5. There are always rumours that jobs are going to be cut

6. Nobody appreciates the work I do

7. I always feel as if I am a weak link

8. We have a glass ceiling here, no matter what and how we do

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17 