полная версияThe Figure in the Carpet

Генри Джеймс
The Figure in the Carpet

Meanwhile he really avoided the chances London life might have given him of meeting the distinguished novelist; a danger, however, that disappeared with Vereker’s leaving England for an indefinite absence, as the newspapers announced—going to the south for motives connected with the health of his wife, which had long kept her in retirement.  A year—more than a year—had elapsed since the incident at Bridges, but I had had no further sight of him.  I think I was at bottom rather ashamed—I hated to remind him that, though I had irremediably missed his point, a reputation for acuteness was rapidly overtaking me.  This scruple led me a dance; kept me out of Lady Jane’s house, made me even decline, when in spite of my bad manners she was a second time so good as to make me a sign, an invitation to her beautiful seat.  I once became aware of her under Vereker’s escort at a concert, and was sure I was seen by them, but I slipped out without being caught.  I felt, as on that occasion I splashed along in the rain, that I couldn’t have done anything else; and yet I remember saying to myself that it was hard, was even cruel.  Not only had I lost the books, but I had lost the man himself: they and their author had been alike spoiled for me.  I knew too which was the loss I most regretted.  I had taken to the man still more than I had ever taken to the books.


Six months after our friend had left England George Corvick, who made his living by his pen, contracted for a piece of work which imposed on him an absence of some length and a journey of some difficulty, and his undertaking of which was much of a surprise to me.  His brother-in-law had become editor of a great provincial paper, and the great provincial paper, in a fine flight of fancy, had conceived the idea of sending a “special commissioner” to India.  Special commissioners had begun, in the “metropolitan press,” to be the fashion, and the journal in question must have felt it had passed too long for a mere country cousin.  Corvick had no hand, I knew, for the big brush of the correspondent, but that was his brother-in-law’s affair, and the fact that a particular task was not in his line was apt to be with himself exactly a reason for accepting it.  He was prepared to out-Herod the metropolitan press; he took solemn precautions against priggishness, he exquisitely outraged taste.  Nobody ever knew it—that offended principle was all his own.  In addition to his expenses he was to be conveniently paid, and I found myself able to help him, for the usual fat book, to a plausible arrangement with the usual fat publisher.  I naturally inferred that his obvious desire to make a little money was not unconnected with the prospect of a union with Gwendolen Erme.  I was aware that her mother’s opposition was largely addressed to his want of means and of lucrative abilities, but it so happened that, on my saying the last time I saw him something that bore on the question of his separation from our young lady, he brought out with an emphasis that startled me: “Ah I’m not a bit engaged to her, you know!”

“Not overtly,” I answered, “because her mother doesn’t like you.  But I’ve always taken for granted a private understanding.”

“Well, there was one.  But there isn’t now.”  That was all he said save something about Mrs. Erme’s having got on her feet again in the most extraordinary way—a remark pointing, as I supposed, the moral that private understandings were of little use when the doctor didn’t share them.  What I took the liberty of more closely inferring was that the girl might in some way have estranged him.  Well, if he had taken the turn of jealousy for instance it could scarcely be jealousy of me.  In that case—over and above the absurdity of it—he wouldn’t have gone away just to leave us together.  For some time before his going we had indulged in no allusion to the buried treasure, and from his silence, which my reserve simply emulated, I had drawn a sharp conclusion.  His courage had dropped, his ardour had gone the way of mine—this appearance at least he left me to scan.  More than that he couldn’t do; he couldn’t face the triumph with which I might have greeted an explicit admission.  He needn’t have been afraid, poor dear, for I had by this time lost all need to triumph.  In fact I considered I showed magnanimity in not reproaching him with his collapse, for the sense of his having thrown up the game made me feel more than ever how much I at last depended on him.  If Corvick had broken down I should never know; no one would be of any use if he wasn’t.  It wasn’t a bit true I had ceased to care for knowledge; little by little my curiosity not only had begun to ache again, but had become the familiar torment of my days and my nights.  There are doubtless people to whom torments of such an order appear hardly more natural than the contortions of disease; but I don’t after all know why I should in this connexion so much as mention them.  For the few persons, at any rate, abnormal or not, with whom my anecdote is concerned, literature was a game of skill, and skill meant courage, and courage meant honour, and honour meant passion, meant life.  The stake on the table was of a special substance and our roulette the revolving mind, but we sat round the green board as intently as the grim gamblers at Monte Carlo.  Gwendolen Erme, for that matter, with her white face and her fixed eyes, was of the very type of the lean ladies one had met in the temples of chance.  I recognised in Corvick’s absence that she made this analogy vivid.  It was extravagant, I admit, the way she lived for the art of the pen.  Her passion visibly preyed on her, and in her presence I felt almost tepid.  I got hold of “Deep Down” again: it was a desert in which she had lost herself, but in which too she had dug a wonderful hole in the sand—a cavity out of which Corvick had still more remarkably pulled her.

Early in March I had a telegram from her, in consequence of which I repaired immediately to Chelsea, where the first thing she said to me was: “He has got it, he has got it!”

She was moved, as I could see, to such depths that she must mean the great thing.  “Vereker’s idea?”

“His general intention.  George has cabled from Bombay.”

She had the missive open there; it was emphatic though concise.  “Eureka.  Immense.”  That was all—he had saved the cost of the signature.  I shared her emotion, but I was disappointed.  “He doesn’t say what it is.”

“How could he—in a telegram?  He’ll write it.”

“But how does he know?”

“Know it’s the real thing?  Oh I’m sure that when you see it you do know.  Vera incessu patuit dea!”

“It’s you, Miss Erme, who are a ‘dear’ for bringing me such news!”—I went all lengths in my high spirits.  “But fancy finding our goddess in the temple of Vishnu!  How strange of George to have been able to go into the thing again in the midst of such different and such powerful solicitations!”

“He hasn’t gone into it, I know; it’s the thing itself, let severely alone for six months, that has simply sprung out at him like a tigress out of the jungle.  He didn’t take a book with him—on purpose; indeed he wouldn’t have needed to—he knows every page, as I do, by heart.  They all worked in him together, and some day somewhere, when he wasn’t thinking, they fell, in all their superb intricacy, into the one right combination.  The figure in the carpet came out.  That’s the way he knew it would come and the real reason—you didn’t in the least understand, but I suppose I may tell you now—why he went and why I consented to his going.  We knew the change would do it—that the difference of thought, of scene, would give the needed touch, the magic shake.  We had perfectly, we had admirably calculated.  The elements were all in his mind, and in the secousse of a new and intense experience they just struck light.”  She positively struck light herself—she was literally, facially luminous.  I stammered something about unconscious cerebration, and she continued: “He’ll come right home—this will bring him.”

“To see Vereker, you mean?”

“To see Vereker—and to see me.  Think what he’ll have to tell me!”

I hesitated.  “About India?”

“About fiddlesticks!  About Vereker—about the figure in the carpet.”

“But, as you say, we shall surely have that in a letter.”

She thought like one inspired, and I remembered how Corvick had told me long before that her face was interesting.  “Perhaps it can’t be got into a letter if it’s ‘immense.’”

“Perhaps not if it’s immense bosh.  If he has hold of something that can’t be got into a letter he hasn’t hold of the thing.  Vereker’s own statement to me was exactly that the ‘figure’ would fit into a letter.”

“Well, I cabled to George an hour ago—two words,” said Gwendolen.

“Is it indiscreet of me to ask what they were?”

She hung fire, but at last brought them out.  “‘Angel, write.’”

“Good!” I exclaimed.  “I’ll make it sure—I’ll send him the same.”


My words however were not absolutely the same—I put something instead of “angel”; and in the sequel my epithet seemed the more apt, for when eventually we heard from our traveller it was merely, it was thoroughly to be tantalised.  He was magnificent in his triumph, he described his discovery as stupendous; but his ecstasy only obscured it—there were to be no particulars till he should have submitted his conception to the supreme authority.  He had thrown up his commission, he had thrown up his book, he had thrown up everything but the instant need to hurry to Rapallo, on the Genoese shore, where Vereker was making a stay.  I wrote him a letter which was to await him at Aden—I besought him to relieve my suspense.  That he had found my letter was indicated by a telegram which, reaching me after weary days and in the absence of any answer to my laconic dispatch to him at Bombay, was evidently intended as a reply to both communications.  Those few words were in familiar French, the French of the day, which Covick often made use of to show he wasn’t a prig.  It had for some persons the opposite effect, but his message may fairly be paraphrased.  “Have patience; I want to see, as it breaks on you, the face you’ll make!”  “Tellement envie de voir ta tête!”—that was what I had to sit down with.  I can certainly not be said to have sat down, for I seem to remember myself at this time as rattling constantly between the little house in Chelsea and my own.  Our impatience, Gwendolen’s and mine, was equal, but I kept hoping her light would be greater.  We all spent during this episode, for people of our means, a great deal of money in telegrams and cabs, and I counted on the receipt of news from Rapallo immediately after the junction of the discoverer with the discovered.  The interval seemed an age, but late one day I heard a hansom precipitated to my door with the crash engendered by a hint of liberality.  I lived with my heart in my mouth and accordingly bounded to the window—a movement which gave me a view of a young lady erect on the footboard of the vehicle and eagerly looking up at my house.  At sight of me she flourished a paper with a movement that brought me straight down, the movement with which, in melodramas, handkerchiefs and reprieves are flourished at the foot of the scaffold.


“Just seen Vereker—not a note wrong.  Pressed me to bosom—keeps me a month.”  So much I read on her paper while the cabby dropped a grin from his perch.  In my excitement I paid him profusely and in hers she suffered it; then as he drove away we started to walk about and talk.  We had talked, heaven knows, enough before, but this was a wondrous lift.  We pictured the whole scene at Rapallo, where he would have written, mentioning my name, for permission to call; that is I pictured it, having more material than my companion, whom I felt hang on my lips as we stopped on purpose before shop-windows we didn’t look into.  About one thing we were clear: if he was staying on for fuller communication we should at least have a letter from him that would help us through the dregs of delay.  We understood his staying on, and yet each of us saw, I think, that the other hated it.  The letter we were clear about arrived; it was for Gwendolen, and I called on her in time to save her the trouble of bringing it to me.  She didn’t read it out, as was natural enough; but she repeated to me what it chiefly embodied.  This consisted of the remarkable statement that he’d tell her after they were married exactly what she wanted to know.

“Only then, when I’m his wife—not before,” she explained.  “It’s tantamount to saying—isn’t it?—that I must marry him straight off!”  She smiled at me while I flushed with disappointment, a vision of fresh delay that made me at first unconscious of my surprise.  It seemed more than a hint that on me as well he would impose some tiresome condition.  Suddenly, while she reported several more things from his letter, I remembered what he had told me before going away.  He had found Mr. Vereker deliriously interesting and his own possession of the secret a real intoxication.  The buried treasure was all gold and gems.  Now that it was there it seemed to grow and grow before him; it would have been, through all time and taking all tongues, one of the most wonderful flowers of literary art.  Nothing, in especial, once you were face to face with it, could show for more consummately done.  When once it came out it came out, was there with a splendour that made you ashamed; and there hadn’t been, save in the bottomless vulgarity of the age, with every one tasteless and tainted, every sense stopped, the smallest reason why it should have been overlooked.  It was great, yet so simple, was simple, yet so great, and the final knowledge of it was an experience quite apart.  He intimated that the charm of such an experience, the desire to drain it, in its freshness, to the last drop, was what kept him there close to the source.  Gwendolen, frankly radiant as she tossed me these fragments, showed the elation of a prospect more assured than my own.  That brought me back to the question of her marriage, prompted me to ask if what she meant by what she had just surprised me with was that she was under an engagement.

“Of course I am!” she answered.  “Didn’t you know it?”  She seemed astonished, but I was still more so, for Corvick had told me the exact contrary.  I didn’t mention this, however; I only reminded her how little I had been on that score in her confidence, or even in Corvick’s, and that, moreover I wasn’t in ignorance of her mother’s interdict.  At bottom I was troubled by the disparity of the two accounts; but after a little I felt Corvick’s to be the one I least doubted.  This simply reduced me to asking myself if the girl had on the spot improvised an engagement—vamped up an old one or dashed off a new—in order to arrive at the satisfaction she desired.  She must have had resources of which I was destitute, but she made her case slightly more intelligible by returning presently: “What the state of things has been is that we felt of course bound to do nothing in mamma’s lifetime.”
