полная версияThe Life of General Garibaldi

Garibaldi Giuseppe
The Life of General Garibaldi

Полная версия


"Shouting – 'Shame on chains and slavery!'
Brothers, rouse and arm for war;
All united: now, Barbarians,
'Tis your retribution hour!" —
Banks of Dora.


Louis Napoleon, in 1848, when a candidate for the presidency of the French Republic, solicited the assistance of the clergy, saying that, if elected, he would reinstate the Pope in Rome. Afterward, in April, 1849, Louis Napoleon sent an expedition against Rome, under the command of General Oudinot. That general, on his arrival before Civita Vecchia, published a proclamation, printed in France, by which it was announced that France would occupy Rome, in order to prevent Austria from doing so.

It seems that Louis Napoleon was not so much guided by his promise, or by religious devotion, as by the shrewd design of securing to himself the influence of the Pope, which Austria would have turned against him. The Pope, however, continued to lean toward Austria; and, by her advice, opposed all the suggestions of Louis Napoleon, and placed him in a false position.

From 1849 to '59 was a period of secret intrigue and struggles at Rome, between France and Austria. The Crimean war added a new element of hostility between the two courts. Napoleon, as a threat to Austria, invited the king of Sardinia to participate in that war, and afterward allowed Count Cavour to speak in the name of oppressed Italy, in spite of the protest of the Austrian minister.

At this, Austria became more active in preparing and countenancing the ruin of Napoleon in France; and the Pope used his influence with the clergy and the legitimists of that country. Napoleon was thus laid under the necessity of striking a blow at Austria, in self-defence. This explains his league with the king of Sardinia. But Napoleon neither designed nor foresaw all that happened afterward. The complete liberation of Italy and the downfall of the papacy were not in his plan; because he feared that a general convulsion of Europe would be the consequence of such events. In justice to him, however, we must acknowledge, that he has countenanced and aided those events, since he has seen that they were accomplished in a wonderfully quiet manner. There can be but little doubt that Napoleon prefers to see the political influence of the Pope dead forever, instead of being compelled to court it, in competition with Austria.

Early in 1859, the Emperor of Austria began to threaten Sardinia with 100,000 men, demanding that she should disarm, which was refused. The Emperor of the French showed himself ready to sustain Victor Emanuel in his position; and then the Emperor of Austria made an effort to gain time by an artifice, and pressed a powerful army on to the frontiers. With surprising promptitude, Louis Napoleon sent a very large force into Piedmont, partly across Mount Cenis and partly by water to Genoa, availing himself of the facilities offered by the railroads and steam vessels, and armed with the most improved military weapons and implements of modern warfare.

Then commenced one of the most important and sanguinary conflicts of modern times, and one most decisive of results in favor of Italian liberty. The armies on both sides were very large and powerful, and included many of the chiefs, officers, and soldiers who had been trained in Africa and the Crimea, as well as in the European wars ten and twelve years preceding. The sudden and rapid advance of the Austrians was checked by the vigorous stand made by the Piedmontese, and the still more rapid movements of the troops from France. We have not room to give all the details of the battles which ensued, and with which the public are acquainted. The service which our hero rendered in it was of the utmost importance; and not only fully justified the high reputation he had long enjoyed, but raised him to an eminence proportioned to the magnitude of the immense military operations in which he acted a leading, and we might say almost the decisive part.

When Garibaldi was called by the king to engage in the war, he accepted the office proposed, but, it has been reported, on two conditions: that he should be allowed to act according to his own judgment, and as far from the French as possible. We do not pretend to give credence to this rumor, and can only say, on the one hand, that he showed some symptoms, while in this country, of retaining a bitter recollection of the siege and humiliation of Rome; but, on the other hand, that he is charitable, generous, and forgiving beyond most other men who ever lived on earth. No sooner was it known that Garibaldi was forming a band to act against the Austrians, than patriots hastened from all parts of Italy to join his banner. Such were their numbers and their enthusiasm, that the authorities in vain attempted to detain them; and even from the Pope's territories, and from the cruelly oppressed kingdom of Naples, volunteers poured like torrents on toward Piedmont. Promptly a corps was formed under Garibaldi's peculiar tactics, denominated, "I Cacciatori delle Alpi" (The Huntsmen of the Alps), and, led by their spirited and fearless leader, started toward the north, and disappeared among the mountain passes of the Alps. No sooner was this news received in the United States, than his friends here foretold that his aim would prove to be, to turn the right wing of the Austrians, get into their rear, and raise Lombardy in insurrection. With anxious solicitude the first inquiries of all seemed to be first for Garibaldi; and the deeds of daring, labor, fatigue, and skill which he performed were repeated through that great and bloody campaign with skill and perseverance equalled only in his uniform success.

Those who have seen enough of Garibaldi to form a just estimate of his character and powers, can never be at a loss in drawing a picture of him in their imaginations, when they hear that he has been placed in a new scene fitted to call forth his energy. So it was when the news was received that he marched from Turin with 3,700 men, his chosen band, to Biella and Borgomanero, toward the northeast, and had moved with such promptitude and rapidity, and by such secluded and difficult paths, that no certain information could be obtained of his route, plans, or objects. Those who knew him at once declared that his former practices compelled them confidently to predict that he had gone among the mountains to turn the right wing of the Austrians, and raise the country in insurrection in their rear. Many days passed, however, before the truth was known, though various reports came through different channels. At length it was published as certain that he had been successful in a laborious march, and in the accomplishment of a sudden and bold attack upon the Austrians at Varese. By ingenious arrangements he had deceived the enemy, whose spies, as he had expected, carried them true reports of his past movements, present position, and possible preparations, but drew false conclusions of his intentions.


The Canton Ticino is a narrow part of Switzerland, lying along a small river of that name, and extending down far into the north of Italy. The interesting history of that small and rude territory deserves to be much better known, especially on account of the devotion of its virtuous inhabitants to the principles of the Reformation, and the persecutions which they have at different periods endured for their faith. The river Ticino is difficult of passage, and, as the Austrians were strong in their position at Varese, beyond it, it was important to prevent them from meeting him at that stream. At Borgomanero he prepared his plans, and put them in harmony with the instructions given him at head-quarters. The principal object was to cross the Ticino and effect the passage and invasion without danger to himself or his men. Garibaldi knew that all these men risked their lives, inasmuch as before becoming soldiers they were refugees, and by bearing arms they incurred, according to the Austrian code, the penalty of death. He accordingly spread the report that he intended to stop at Arona, and he even himself wrote orders to have stores and lodgings prepared there, and the churches fitted up for the reception of horses.

No sooner had he sent off these orders by special messengers to Arona, which is on the Lago Maggiore, than he gave orders to his men, each of whom carried two muskets, to leave for Castelletto, where they crossed the Ticino in a ferry-boat to Sesto Calende, and by an astonishing forced march of two days, proceeded to Varese.

The Austrians, on learning how they had been tricked, assembled at Camerlata, and intercepted the line of the Ticino at Varese, believing that they would thereby cut off the retreat of the force and surprise it. Garibaldi troubled himself little about that proceeding, and induced the towns and villages to revolt.

A proclamation was issued by the general, inviting the whole of the Varesotto province to rise against their oppressors. The appeal was generally listened to, and men of every age and condition hastened to the official residence of Marquis Visconti, the extraordinary commissioner sent by Count Cavour as the coadjutor of the Italian general. In less than two hours the whole of the surrounding country was in arms. Old men, children, and even women, came to the Town Hall, with all sorts of weapons, ready to help the small band (3,000) of their brethren. Varese was soon fortified, barricades erected, means of defence carefully ordered. Bands of peasants were pouring into the town from the numberless hamlets, villas, and villages which deck the picturesque hills of that beautiful country – the finest in Lombardy, and, perhaps of Europe. Garibaldi, who is always to be found everywhere when danger is coming, began to array in companies the new comers, and gave the necessary orders for the defence of the country, as he supposed that the Austrians posted at Gallarate would attack him the next day.


He was not deceived in his expectation, for on Wednesday morning, at dawn three hundred Croats and one hundred and thirty Hussars, with a field battery, marched from Gallarate to Sesto Calende, where the advance guard of Italian Chasseurs was posted. This advance guard was commanded by Capt. Decristoforis, a young man of great military ability, who only two months before was in England, and kept a first-rate military school at Putney. After a fight, which lasted two hours, the enemy was completely defeated, leaving some prisoners. The Austrians were obliged to retire on Somma, and nothing was heard of them till next morning at four o'clock.

This second attack was of a more serious character. It was effected by a brigade, five thousand strong, with ten field pieces, and two squadrons of Uhlans. After a first discharge of their muskets, the Italian volunteers assaulted the enemy with the bayonet, and with so much impetuosity that the Austrian centre was obliged to fall back on its left wing, then engaged by a battalion of the Italian right. Now the fight became general – a tremendous hand-to-hand fight, in which every inch of ground was bravely disputed by both armies. The enemy's artillery was of no more use, because Garibaldi, having none, had ordered his men to fight hand-to-hand with swords and bayonets. At the report of the musketry and artillery, the country people hastened to the scene of action with pitchforks, half-pikes, and cleavers. "It was a dreadful scene of slaughter," said an eye-witness, "which lasted three hours." Nothing can give an idea of the impetuosity of those Italians who could at last revenge so many wrongs, so many cruelties. It was almost madness. Two brothers Strambio, one captain and the other lieutenant, were seen to leap into the inside of a hedge of bayonets, and cut down Croats as if they had been puppets. A Count Montanari, from Verona, whose brother had been hanged, in 1853, by Radetsky's order, was running up and down the bloody field, striking right and left with his powerful sword.

At 7 o'clock, the Austrian general was obliged to give the order for a retreat, as his men were falling in all directions. Garibaldi was close at their heels till they reached the strong position of Malnate, where they stopped to repair their losses.

This is a short but faithful sketch of Garibaldi's exploit. It will always be recorded as one of the most brilliant actions of the war, because he had no artillery, and his soldiers were but volunteers, scarcely drilled, and unaccustomed to camp life.

Garibaldi then went to Como, on the celebrated lake of that name, where he received a positive ovation from the population. All the country was in full insurrection. Young men were putting themselves in uniform, and arming themselves. All classes, without distinction – nobles, peasants, citizens, men, women, and children – were prepared for resistance. Garibaldi had taken the precaution of being able to supply the population with arms and ammunition.


"Morn is breaking! Rise, Italia!
He whose yoke thou still dost wear,
Soon will shake at sight of danger;
Well his coward heart may fear."
"The Banks of Dora." T. D.


Como is a city beautifully situated on the northern end of Lake Como; but on the low land near the margin, and overlooked by the mountains, which rise beyond and around.

The enthusiasm which prevailed on Garibaldi's arrival was extreme; and the alarm bells were rung in all the communes of the Varesotto, Tramezzo, Como and Lecco districts. The volunteers were pouring in from every village and hamlet. In this manner the insurrection gained ground in Upper Lombardy. At the first appearance of the braves, all the civil authorities of Como and Lecco recognized the government of King Victor Emanuel, which in those towns was represented by Count Visconti Venosta, a young nobleman from Valtellina of great determination. His spirited proclamations roused the enthusiasm of country folks and citizens, who hastened to the scene of action with an ardor never witnessed in 1848. Money, so much wanted, poured into Garibaldi's military treasury, together with gold necklaces and other valuable trinkets from fair Lombard ladies. The sum thus collected in two days reached 2,000,000 francs.

Garibaldi had been instructed to move in the direction of Varese by slow marches, keeping himself in constant communication with Cialdini's division, which did not follow. By the necessity of strategetical combinations, Gen. Cialdini was obliged to march to and fro from Vercelli and Stroppiana, guarding the right bank of the Upper Sesia, as far as Gattinara. The necessary result of this constant marching and countermarching was that of retarding the projects of Garibaldi. He moved slowly for two days, but he could not stand it any longer; and hastening from Romagnana to the headquarters of the king, he begged him to observe that he did not and could not understand the scientific principles of a regular war, and that he wished to be left to his daring inspiration.

Victor Emanuel saw directly that it was of no use to keep such a bird in the cage of strategic rules, and, letting him loose, said: "Go where you like, do what you like. I have only one regret – that of not being able to follow you."

While occupying the place, amidst the enthusiasm of the inhabitants, he learned that General Urban was approaching with forty thousand Austrians. He immediately retired from the city, leaving two hundred men, with orders to hold the place, with the aid of the inhabitants, to the last extremity. The enemy came on, attacked, and were bravely resisted, but succeeded in taking the town. Supposing that Garibaldi had retreated into Switzerland, without any intention of returning, they appeared to entertain no apprehensions of danger from that quarter. It then became highly important that he should be apprised of the condition of things. Every effort was made to procure a messenger, and high rewards were offered; but the hazards were so great that no one could be found willing to run the desperate risk of his life, or rather to go to certain death, as the Austrians were believed to hold and watch every avenue to the country.

Garibaldi, who was waiting in the mountains for an opportunity to make a sudden descent upon the enemy, but cut off from communication, and in ignorance of their situation, was surprised in his wild retreat by the arrival of a lady, who had come from Como alone, on horseback, by pursuing by-paths, and with great skill and boldness, finding her way between and around the various points which were guarded by the enemy. Although only twenty-four years of age, brought up in refined society, and of aristocratic family – a daughter of Count Raimondi – this fair and youthful stranger appeared before Garibaldi like a vision, and, with an air corresponding with the spirit which had inspired her through her wild and perilous expedition, presented to him the dispatches with which she had been intrusted, at her earnest petition, in Como. Garibaldi learned from them the position of the enemy, and the readiness of the people to receive him again. Without a moment's delay, he set out on his return, and by a forced march, conducted with the greatest skill, suddenly returned to the Lake of Como, with his resolute band.

Como was occupied after a hard fight of two hours at San Fermo and Camerlata. This last-mentioned position is to be considered as the key of the picturesque barrier of Como, for its elevated ground enables a small body of men to oppose a long resistance even to an army of 15,000 strong. The positions were carried at the point of the bayonet, for the Cacciatori delle Alpi could not fire their muskets, so much inferior in range to those of the enemy. It was a hard and bloody fight, which may, without exaggeration, be compared to the struggles of old, when Roman and Carthaginian legions met together.

The news of the organizing of a corps by the celebrated Garibaldi, had induced the Austrians to make their last demand upon Piedmont, which was a very extraordinary one, and indicated the interesting truth that they duly appreciated Garibaldi. It was, that, unless his band was immediately dispersed, they would march forward in three days. This demand was not complied with, but the King of Sardinia prepared to receive the threatened invaders. With excellent judgment, however, he did not attempt to occupy the line of the Mincio; he chose a stronger one within his own territory, and occupied that extending from Alessandria to the Apennines, toward Genoa, leaving the road to Turin open to the enemy. The Austrians moved; but, as soon as they had crossed the Ticino, the engineer who had charge of the canals which irrigate the extensive valley, was ordered to open them and make an inundation. The Austrians soon discovered that the water was rising, and the general sent word to the engineer in terms like these:

"Your brother is a prisoner in my hands; if you do not immediately stop the inundation, I will cut off his head."

The engineer, with the greatest resolution, pressed the work with redoubled vigor that night; and by employing two hundred more men, completed it before morning. The Austrians, finding that they were likely to be caught in a kind of trap, with the inundation rising on their right, and the Piedmontese army on their left, soon retreated, and recrossed the Ticino.


This action was important, not only on account of its resulting in the first victory against the Austrians, but also because of the excellence of the Piedmontese troops, which had been denied, and was certainly seriously doubted by Louis Napoleon, who had given to Victor Emnanuel four battalions of French Zouaves for his body-guard. These were the only French troops in that battle; and they so much admired the conduct of the King of Sardinia, that they elected him "Corporal" on the field. This is esteemed the highest military honor which can be in any way acquired; and it is one which Louis Napoleon himself has never yet received, even from his own troops.

The battle of Montebello was the first ever decided by a railroad. When the action commenced, there was only a single regiment to resist the Austrians. This was a French regiment, which was so soon, so rapidly, and so greatly reinforced by other French troops, transported on the railroad, that the day was soon decided in their favor. The importance and effect of this manner of conveying the troops was acknowledged by the Austrians, in their official report of the battle.


This was fought about twenty miles beyond the last engagement, that of Montebello; and the chief honor of the day belongs to the French. That battle was the first in which rifled cannon and electrical telegraphs were ever brought into use; and both were proved successful in the highest degree. Louis Napoleon was the inventor of the former; and their efficiency was strongly doubted and even denied by many scientific and practical men; but it was established beyond future question by the experiment of that day. The French had also a corps of electricians among them, with apparatus prepared for the establishment and change of lines of telegraphic wires wherever troops were stationed; and these proved of eminent service in conveying orders and information between the positions.


The banks of the Mincio are, as it were, formed for military scenes. From the source of the river, down almost as far as Pozzolo, the river winds through a succession of hills, rushing close to their base on one side, and leaving fine open meadows on the other. At some points the hills approach on both sides, and form a kind of gorge or neutral ground, where the river is kept within proper bounds, and not allowed to encroach on either side. Perhaps the most picturesque spot on the whole river is here, between Borghetto and Vallegio. Two large semi-circles of hills are opposed to each other, the direction of them being the bend of the river on this spot; they intersect each other about their centre, and a little below this point are the two villages of Borghetto and Vallegio. The latter is behind the hills on the left bank; only two mills, a church, and a little mediæval tower, erected on one of the lower spurs, stand close to the water's edge. Borghetto has, likewise, only a few detached houses on the banks of the river, the rest of the village being built on the hill which skirts the right bank. On the highest point of the Vallegio side rises a most picturesque group of towers of pure Italian castellated architecture, slender and high like campaniles, with a gallery on their summit, built on a succession of small arches springing out of the body of the building. From these towers, an old wall runs down to the banks of the river, where two other lower, but more massive, towers stand, with the ruins of a bridge over the river between them. From the second of these towers, the wall runs up to the hill where Borghetto stands, and ends there in another square tower. This castle, as well as the surrounding domain, belongs to the Visconti family, and the fortifications were evidently intended to close the passage of the river, which they may have done at one time; now they form only a picturesque feature in the scenery. The road from Volta to this place descends along the hillside in a gentle slope, and, after traversing the river, winds up in a similar but much steeper rise, so that you can keep in view the whole passage through the valley. On the right bank of the river extends a fine meadow, through which the road leads. It was now the camping-ground of the Cavalry of the Guard, and was, during the passage, a chaos of troops, horses, carts, and mules, which were huddled together there, waiting for a passage across one of the four bridges which span the narrow but rapid little stream. It was like the emigration of one of those nomadic tribes of which history tells us. It seemed for a moment as if it were impossible to disentangle that mass, and yet it kept moving, and passed over the river without accident or delay. As all the bridges which had been broken down on the river behind had been repaired, the pontoon train of the whole army became available for the Mincio passage, and there must have been, at the very least, from 12 to 15 bridges on this short line.


The Austrian army, after occupying the right bank of the Mincio, had retired across the stream, in order to lead the French and Sardinians to believe that they were retreating. When the latter had extended their lines, the Austrians suddenly returned and reoccupied their old formidable positions on the heights of Solferino, San Cassiano, and Cavriana, and onward to Volta, all crowned with cannon. Their lines extended five leagues. This movement was made in the night of June 23d, and at three o'clock in the morning they were discovered, in large bodies, marching across the plain to attack the allies.

On the 24th, the emperor, who had arrived just before, ordered the Sardinian army (which formed the left wing) to occupy Pozzolengo, and the French to occupy Solferino and Cavriana. The king also sent a detachment toward Peschiera. The Austrians resisted them powerfully. At ten o'clock the battle became general, and was continued during a severe storm. After twelve hours fighting, the Austrians brought up their reserve of 80,000 men, and the allies theirs of 50,000. After three more hours of severe fighting, the heights were taken by the allies, and the Austrians retreated.

In 1796, Solferino was the point most strenuously contested and won by Augereau. On this occasion that position was taken three times by the French, and the last time at the point of the bayonet. The Emperor of Austria commanded in person, and greatly animated his troops, who fought well. After they had been driven from Solferino, they made a powerful concentrated attack on the right wing of the allies, but were repulsed by a dash of cavalry.

Although the allies were victorious, they were unable to pursue the enemy, who retreated in good order.


The official journal at Vienna, of June 26, published the following official dispatch from the seat of war:

"Verona, Saturday, June 25.

"On the 23d inst., the imperial royal army crossed at four places to the right bank of the Mincio. The right wing of the army occupied Pozzolengo, Solferino, and Cavriana. The left wing marched on the 24th inst. to Guidizzolo and Castel-Goffredo, and repulsed the advancing enemy on all sides. As the Imperial Royal army continued its advance toward the Chiese, the enemy – who had also assumed the offensive with his whole force – pushed forward such large bodies of troops, that there was a general engagement between the two armies at ten o'clock, or thereabouts, in the morning of the 24th instant.

"The right wing, which was formed by the second army, under the general of cavalry, Count Schlick, maintained possession of the place which it had originally occupied in the first line of battle until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the first army (the left wing), under the general of artillery, Count Wimpffen, continually gained ground in the direction of the Chiese. Toward 3 o'clock the enemy made a vehement attack on Solferino, and after several hours' hard fighting, obtained possession of the place, which had been heroically defended by the fifth corps d'armée. An attack was then made on Cavriana, which place was courageously defended until the evening by the first and seventh corps d'armée, but was eventually left in the hands of the enemy.

"While the struggle for Solferino and Cavriana was going on, the eighth corps d'armée, which was on the outer flank of the right wing, advanced and repulsed the Sardinian troops opposed to it: but this advantage did not enable the Imperial Royal army to recover the positions that had been lost in the centre. The third and ninth corps, which were supported by the eleventh corps, were engaged on the left wing, and the reserve cavalry attached to this wing made several brilliant attacks. Unusually heavy losses, and the fact that the left wing of the first army was unable to make progress on the right flank of the enemy, who directed his main force in the centre against Volta, led to the retreat of the Imperial Royal army. It began late in the evening, during a violent storm. Yesterday evening Pozzolengo, Monzambano, Volta and Goito, were still occupied by our troops."

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