1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described. Adapted to Private Schools, High Schools and Academies

Ellis Edward Sylvester
1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described. Adapted to Private Schools, High Schools and Academies

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“Piping on their reeds the shepherds go,
Nor fear an ambush, nor suspect a foe.”

Pandora (Pando′ra), according to Hesiod, was the first mortal female. Vulcan made her of clay, and gave her life. Venus gave her beauty; and the art of captivating was bestowed upon her by the Graces. She was taught singing by Apollo, and Mercury taught her oratory. Jupiter gave her a box, the famous “Pandora’s Box,” which she was told to give to her husband, Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus. As soon as he opened it there issued from it numberless diseases and evils which were soon spread all over the world, and from that moment they have afflicted the human race. It is said that Hope alone remained in the box. Pandora means “the all-gifted.”

“More lovely than Pandora, whom the gods
Endowed with all their gifts.”

Pantheon (Panthe′on) (lit. “the all-divine place”). The temple of all the gods, built by Agrippa at Rome, in the reign of Augustus (B.C. 27). It was 144 feet in diameter, and 144 feet high; and was built in the Corinthian style of architecture, mostly of marble; while its walls were covered with engraved brass and silver. Its magnificence induced Pliny to give it rank among the wonders of the world.

Paphia (Pa′phia), a name of Venus.

Papremis (Pap′remis). The Egyptian Mars.

Parcae, The (Par′cae), were goddesses who presided over the destiny of human beings. They were also called the Fates, and were three in number, Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis. See Fates.

Paris (Par′is), the son of Priam, king of Troy, and of his mother Hecuba. It had been predicted that he would be the cause of the destruction of Troy, and his father therefore ordered him to be strangled as soon as he was born; but the slave who had been entrusted with this mission took the child to Mount Ida, and left it there. Some shepherds, however, found the infant and took care of him. He lived among them till he had grown to man’s estate, and he then married Oenone, a nymph of Ida. At the famous nuptial feast of Peleus and Thetis, Discordia, who had not been invited, attended secretly; and when all were assembled, she threw among the goddesses a golden apple, on which was inscribed “Let the fairest take it.” This occasioned a great contention, for each thought herself the fairest. Ultimately, the contestants were reduced to three, Juno, Pallas (Minerva), and Venus; but Jove himself could not make these three agree, and it was decided that Paris should be the umpire. He was sent for, and each of the goddesses courted his favor by offering all sorts of bribes. Juno offered him power, Pallas wisdom, and Venus promised him the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris gave the golden apple to Venus. Soon after this episode Priam owned Paris as his son, and sent him to Greece to fetch Helen, who was renowned as being the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta; but during his absence Paris carried Helen away to Troy, and this gave rise to the celebrated war between the Greeks and the Trojans, which ended in the destruction of Troy. Paris was among the 676,000 Trojans who fell during or after the siege.

Parnassides (Parnas′sides), a name common to the Muses, from Mount Parnassus.

Parnassus (Parnas′sus). The mountain of the Muses in Phocis, and sacred to Apollo and Bacchus. Any one who slept on this mountain became a poet. It was named after one of the sons of Bacchus.

Parthenon (Par′thenon). The temple of Minerva (or Pallas) on the Acropolis at Athens. It was destroyed by the Persians, and rebuilt by Pericles.

Parthenos (Par′thenos) was a name of Juno, and also of Minerva. See Pallas.

Pasiphae (Pasiph′ae) was the reputed mother of the Minotaur killed by Theseus. She was said to be the daughter of Sol and Perseis, and her husband was Minos, king of Crete.

Pasithea (Pasith′ea). Sometimes there are four Graces spoken of; when this is so, the name of the fourth is Pasithea. Also called Aglaia.

Pavan (Pav′an), the Hindoo god of the winds.

Peace, see Concordia.

Peacock, see Argus.

Pegasus (Peg′asus). The famous winged horse which was said to have sprung from the blood of Medusa when her head was cut off by Perseus. His abode was on Mount Helicon, where, by striking the ground with his hoof, he caused water to spring forth, which formed the fountain afterward called Hippocrene.

“Each spurs his faded
Pegasus apace.”
“Thy stumbling founder’d jade can trot as high
As any other Pegasus can fly.”
“To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus,
And witch the world with noble horsemanship.”

Peleus (Pe′leus). A king of Thessaly, who married Thetis, one of the Nereides. It is said that he was the only mortal who married an immortal.

Pelias (Pe′lias). A son of Neptune and Tyro. He usurped the throne of Cretheus, which Jason was persuaded to relinquish and take the command of the Argonautic expedition. On the return of Jason, Medea, the sorceress, undertook to restore Pelias to youth, but required that the body should first be cut up and put in a caldron of boiling water. When this had been done, Medea refused to fulfil her promise. Pelias had four daughters, who were called the Peliades.

Pelias (Pe′lias) was the name of the spear of Achilles, which was so large that none could wield it but the hero himself.

Pelion (Pe′lion). A well-wooded mountain, famous for the wars between the giants and the gods, and as the abode of the Centaurs, who were expelled by the Lapithae. See Ossa, a mount, which the giants piled upon Pelion, to enable them to scale the heavens.

“The gods they challenge, and affect the skies,
Heaved on Olympus tottering Ossa stood;
On Ossa, Pelion nods with all his wood.”

Pelops (Pe′lops), son of Tantalus, king of Phrygia. His father killed him, and served him up to be eaten at a feast given to the gods, who, when they found out what the father of Pelops had done, restored the son to life, and he afterward became the husband of Hippodamia.

Penates (Pena′tes). Roman domestic gods. The hearth of the house was their altar. See Lares.

Perpetual Punishment, see Sisyphus.

Persephone (Perseph′one). The Greek name of Proserpine.

Perseus (Per′seus) was a son of Jupiter and Danae, the daughter of Acrisius. His first famous exploit was against the Gorgon, Medusa. He was assisted in this enterprise by Pluto, who lent him a helmet which would make him invisible. Pallas lent him her shield, and Mercury supplied him with wings. He made a speedy conquest of the Gorgons, and cut off Medusa’s head, with which he flew through the air, and from the blood sprang the winged horse Pegasus. As he flew along he saw Andromeda chained to the rock, and a sea-monster ready to devour her. He killed the monster, and married Andromeda. When he got back, he showed the Gorgon’s head to King Polydectes, and the monarch was immediately turned into stone.

“Now on Daedalian waxen pinions stray,
Or those which wafted Perseus on his way.”

Persuasion, goddess of, see Pitho.

Phaeton (Pha′eton). A son of Sol, or, according to many mythologists, of Phoebus and Clymene. Anxious to display his skill in horsemanship, he was allowed to drive the chariot of the sun for one day. The horses soon found out the incapacity of the charioteer, became unmanageable, and overturned the chariot. There was such great fear of injury to heaven and earth, that Jove, to stop the destruction, killed Phaeton with a thunderbolt.

“Now Phaeton, by lofty hopes possessed,
The burning seat with youthful vigor pressed.”
“The breathless Phaeton, with flaming hair,
Shot from the chariot like a falling star
That in a summer’s evening from the top
Of heaven drops down, or seems at least to drop.”

Phaon (Pha′on). A boatman of Mitylene, in Lesbos, who received from Venus a box of ointment, with which, when he anointed himself, he grew so beautiful that Sappho became enamored of him; but when the ointment had all been used Phaon returned to his former condition, and Sappho, in despair, drowned herself.

Pheasant, see Itys.

Philoctetes (Philoct′etes) was son of Poeas, and one of the companions of Jason on his Argonautic expedition. He was present at the death of Hercules, and received from him the poisoned arrows which had been dipped in the blood of Hydra. These arrows, an oracle declared, were necessary to be used in the destruction of Troy, and Philoctetes was persuaded by Ulysses to go and assist at the siege. He appears to have used the weapons with great dexterity and with wonderful effect, for Paris was among the heroes whom he killed. The story of Philoctetes was dramatized by the Greek tragedians Aeschylus, Euripides, and Sophocles.

Philomela (Philome′la) was a daughter of Pandion, king of Athens, who was transformed into a nightingale. She was sister to Procne, who married Tereus, King of Thrace. The latter having offered violence to Philomela, her sister, Procne, came to her rescue, and to punish her husband slew her son Itylus, and at a feast Philomela threw Itylus’s head on the banquet table.

“Forth like a fury Philomela flew,
And at his face the head of Itys threw.”
“And thou, melodious Philomel,
Again thy plaintive story tell.”

Phlegethon (Phleg′ethon). A river of fire in the infernal regions. It was the picture of desolation, for nothing could grow on its parched and withered banks. Also called Pyriphlegethon.

“… Infernal rivers …
… Fierce Phlegethon,
Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage.”

Phlegon (Phle′gon) (burning), one of the four chariot horses of Sol.

Phlegyas (Phle′gyas). Son of Mars and father of Ixion and Coronis. For his impiety in desecrating and plundering the temple of Apollo at Delphi, he was sent to Hades, and there was made to sit with a huge stone suspended over his head, ready to be dropped on him at any moment.

Phoebus (Phoe′bus). A name of Apollo, signifying light and life.

“Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,
Toward Phoebus’ lodging.”

Phorcus (Phor′cus), or Porcys. A son of Neptune, father of the Gorgons. The same as Oceanus.

Phryxus (Phryx′us), see Golden Fleece.

Picumnus (Picum′nus). A rural divinity, who presided over the manuring of lands, also called Sterentius.

Picus (Pi′cus). A son of Saturn, father of Faunus, was turned into a woodpecker by Circe, whose love he had not requited.

Pierides (Pier′ides). A name of the Muses, derived from Pieria, a fountain in Thessaly, near Mount Olympus, where they were supposed to have been born. Also, the daughters of Pierus, a king of Macedonia, who settled in Boeotia. They challenged the Muses to sing, and were changed into magpies.

Pietas (Pie′tas). The Roman goddess of domestic affection.

Pillar, see Calpe.

Pilumnus (Pilum′nus). A rural divinity that presided over the corn while it was being ground. At Rome he was hence called the god of bakers.

Pine-Tree, see Atys.

Pirithous (Pirith′ous). A son of Ixion and great friend of Theseus, king of Athens. The marriage of Pirithous and Hippodamia became famous for the quarrel between the drunken Centaurs and the Lapithae, who, with the help of Theseus, Pirithous, and Hercules, attacked and overcame the Centaurs, many of whom were killed, and the remainder took to flight.

Pitho (Pi′tho), the goddess of Persuasion, daughter of Mercury and Venus. She is sometimes referred to under the name of Suada.

Plants, see Demogorgon.

Pleasure, see Rembha.

Pleiades, The (Plei′ades). Seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Their names were Electra, Alcyone, Celaeno, Maia, Sterope, Taygete, and Merope. They were made a constellation, but as there are only six stars to be seen, the ancients believed that one of the sisters, Merope, married a mortal, and was ashamed to show herself among her sisters, who had all been married to gods.

“… The gray
Dawn and the Pleiades before him danced.
Shedding sweet influence.”

Pluto (Plu′to). King of the infernal regions. He was a son of Saturn and Ops, and husband of Proserpine, daughter of Ceres. He is sometimes referred to under the name Dis, and he personifies hell. His principal attendant was the three-headed dog Cerberus, and about his throne were the Eumenides, the Harpies, and the Furies.

“With equal foot, rich friend, impartial fate
Knocks at the cottage and the palace gate.
. .     .
Night soon will seize, and you must go below,
To story’d ghosts and Pluto’s house below.”

Plutus (Plu′tus), the god of riches, was son of Jasion or Iasius and Ceres (Demeter), the goddess of corn. He is described as being blind and lame; blind because he so often injudiciously bestows his riches, and lame because fortunes come so slowly.

Pluvius (Plu′vius). A name of Jupiter, because he had the rain in his control.

Podalirius (Podalir′ius). A famous surgeon, a son of Aesculapius and Epione. His skill in medicine made him very serviceable among the soldiers in the Trojan war.

Poet, see Parnassus.

Poetry, see Apollo, Calliope, The Muses.

Poisonous Herbs, see Circe.

Poisonous Lake, see Avernus.

Pollear (Poll′ear). Son of Siva, the Hindoo god of wisdom.

Pollux (Pol′lux). Twin brother of Castor. Their father was Jupiter and their mother Leda. He and his brother form the constellation Gemini. His Greek name was Polydeuces. Castor and Pollux are also known under the name of Dioscuri, the presiding deities of public games in Rome, Castor being the god of equestrian exercise, and Pollux the god of boxing. See Aedepol.

Polybotes (Polybo′tes). One of the giants who made war against Jupiter. He was killed by Neptune.

Polydectes (Polydec′tes) was turned into stone when Perseus showed him Medusa’s head. See Perseus.

Polydeuces (Polydeu′ces). The Greek name of Pollux.

Polyhymnia (Polyhym′nia). Daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. One of the Muses who presided over singing and rhetoric.

Polyphemus (Polyphe′mus), one of the most celebrated of the Cyclops, a son of the nymph Thoosa and Neptune, or Poseidon, as the Greeks called the god of the sea. He captured Ulysses and twelve of his companions, and it is said that six of them were eaten. The remainder escaped by the ingenuity of Ulysses, who destroyed Polyphemus’s one eye with a fire-brand.

“Charybdis barks and Polyphemus roars.”

Polyxena (Polyx′ena). Daughter of Hecuba and Priam, king of Troy. It was by her treachery that Achilles was shot in the heel.

Pomona (Pomo′na). The Roman goddess of fruit-trees and gardens.

“So to the sylvan lodge
They came, that like Pomona’s arbor smiled
With flowerets decked and fragrant smells.”

Poplar-Tree, see Heliades.

Portunus (Portu′nus) (Palaemon), son of Ino, was the Roman god of harbors.

Poseidon (Posei′don). The Greek name of Neptune, god of the sea.

Pracriti (Prac′riti). The Hindoo goddess of nature.

Predictions, see Cassandra.

Priam (Pri′am). The last king of Troy. See Paris.

Priapus (Pria′pus), the guardian of gardens and god of natural reproduction, was the son of Venus and Bacchus.

“Priapus could not half describe the grace
(Though god of gardens) of this charming place.”

Prisca (Pris′ca). Another name of Vesta.

Procris (Pro′cris). Daughter of Erechtheus, king of Athens. See Cephalus, her husband.

Progne (Prog′ne), wife of Tereus. Commonly called Procne, whose sister was Philomela. See Itys and Tereus.

“Complaining oft gives respite to our grief,
From hence the wretched Progne sought relief.”

Prometheus (Prome′theus), the son of Japetus and father of Deucalion. He presumed to make clay men, and animate them with fire which he had stolen from heaven. This so displeased Jupiter that he sent him a box full of evils, which Prometheus refused; but his brother Epimetheus, not so cautious, opened it, and the evils spread over all the earth. Jupiter then punished Prometheus by commanding Mercury to bind him to Mount Caucasus, where a vulture daily preyed upon his liver, which grew in the night as much as it had been reduced in the day, so that the punishment was a prolonged torture. Hercules at last killed the vulture and set Prometheus free.

Prophecy, see Nereus.

Proserpine (Proser′pine). A daughter of Jupiter and Ceres. Pluto carried her off to the infernal regions and made her his wife. She was known by the names of “the Queen of Hell,” Hecate, Juno Inferna, and Libitina. She was called by the Greeks Persephone.

“He sung, and hell consented
To hear the poet’s prayer,
Stern Proserpine relented,
And gave him back the fair.”

Proteus (Pro′teus). A marine deity, who could foretell events and convert himself at will into all sorts of shapes. According to later legends, Proteus was a son of Poseidon.

“The changeful Proteus, whose prophetic mind,
The secret cause of Bacchus’ rage divined.”
“What chain can hold this varying Proteus fast?”

Psyche (Psy′che). The wife of Cupid. The name is Greek, signifying the soul or spirit.

Pygmalion (Pygma′lion). A famous sculptor who had resolved to remain unmarried, but he made such a beautiful statue of a goddess that he begged Venus to give it life. His request being granted, Pygmalion married the animated statue.

“Few, like Pygmalion, doat on lifeless charms,
Or care to clasp a statue in their arms.”

Pylades (Py′lades). The son of Strophius, King of Phanote, and husband of Electra; famous on account of his faithful friendship with Orestes.

“His wine
Was better, Pylades, than thine.
… If you please
To choose me for your Pylades.”

Pylotis (Pylo′tis). A Greek name of Minerva.

Pyracmon (Pyr′acmon), one of the chiefs of the Cyclopes.

Pyramus and Thisbe (Pyr′amus and This′be). Two Babylonian lovers, the children of hostile neighbors. See Shakespeare’s burlesque of the story of their loves, in “Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Pyrois (Py′rois) (luminous). One of the four chariot horses of Sol, the Sun.

Pythia (Py′thia). The priestess of Apollo at Delphi, who delivered the answers of the oracle. Also the name of the Pythian games celebrated in honor of Apollo’s victory over the dragon Python.

Python (Py′thon). A famous serpent killed by Apollo, which haunted the caves of Parnassus. See Septerion.

Quadratus (Quadra′tus). A surname given to Mercury, because some of his statues were four-sided.

Quadrifrons (Quad′rifrons). Janus was sometimes depicted with four faces instead of the usual two, and he was then called Janus Quadrifrons.

Quies (Qui′es). The Roman goddess of rest; she had a temple just outside the Colline gate of Rome.

Quietus (Quie′tus). One of the names of Pluto.

Quirinus (Quiri′nus). A name given to Mars during wartime; Virgil refers to Jupiter under the same name.

Quoit, see Hyacinthus.

Race, see Atalanta.

Radamanthus (Radaman′thus), see Rhadamanthus.

Rage, see Furies.

Rainbow, see Iris.

Rama (Ra′ma). A Hindoo god, who was the terrestrial representative of Vishnu.

Ram’s Hide, see Golden Fleece.

Reeds, see Pan, also Syrinx.

Rembha (Rem′bha). The Hindoo goddess of pleasure.

Reproduction, see Priapus.

Rest, see Quies.

Revenge, see Ate.

Rhadamanthus (Rhadaman′thus), a son of Jupiter and Europa, was the ruler of the Greeks in the Asiatic islands, and judge of the dead in the infernal regions.

“These are the realms of unrelenting fate:
And awful Rhadamanthus rules the state.
He hears and judges each committed crime,
Inquires into the manner, place, and time;
The conscious wretch must all his acts reveal,
Loth to confess, unable to conceal;
From the first moment of his vital breath,
To the last hour of unrepenting death.”

Rhamnusia (Rhamnu′sia). A name of Nemesis, from Rhamnus, a town in Attica, where she had a temple in which was her statue, made of one stone ten cubits high.

Rhea (Rhe′a). The Greek name of Cybele. She was a daughter of Uranus and Gaea, and was called Mother of the gods.

Rhetoric, see Calliope, also Polyhymnia.

Riches, see Plutus.

Riddle, see Sphinx.

Rimmon (Rim′mon). A Phrygian god of whom Milton says —

“… Rimmon, whose delightful seat
Was fair Damascus, on the fertile banks
Of Abana and Pharpar, lucid streams.”

Riot, see Saturnalia.

River of Fire, see Phlegethon.

Roads, see Vialis.

Robber, see Cacus, Coeculus.

Romulus (Rom′ulus). The traditional founder of Rome. He was a son of Mars and Ilia, and twin brother of Remus. The infants were thrown into the Tiber, but were miraculously saved and suckled by a she-wolf, till they were found by Faustulus, a shepherd, who brought them up. Remus was killed in a quarrel with his brother, and Romulus became the first King of Rome.

Rumia Dea (Rumi′a Dea). The Roman goddess of babes in arms.

Rumina (Ru′mina). Roman pastoral deities, who protected suckling cattle.

Runcina (Runci′na). The goddess of weeding or cleansing the ground.

Sacrifices were ceremonious offerings made to the gods. To every deity a distinct victim was allotted, and the greatest care was always taken in the selection of them. Anything in any way blemished was considered as an insult to the god. At the time of the sacrifice the people were called together by heralds led by a procession of musicians. The priest, clothed in white, was crowned with a wreath made of the leaves of the tree which was sacred to the particular god to whom the sacrifice was offered. The victim had its horns gilt, and was adorned with a chaplet similar to that of the priest, and was decorated with bright-colored ribbons. The priest then said, “Who is here?” to which the spectators replied, “Many good people.” “Begone all ye who are profane,” said the priest; and he then began a prayer addressed to all the gods. The sacrifice was begun by putting corn, frankincense, flour, salt, cakes, and fruit on the head of the victim. This was called the Immolation. The priest then took a cup of wine, tasted it, and handed it to the bystanders to taste also; some of it was then poured between the horns of the victim, and a few of the saturated hairs were pulled off and put in the fire which was burning on the altar. Then, turning to the east, the priest drew with his knife a crooked line along the back of the beast from the head to the tail, and told the assistants to kill the animal. This was done directly, and the entrails of the victim taken out and carefully examined by the Haruspices to find out what was prognosticated. The carcase was then divided, and the thighs, covered with fat, were put in the fire, and the rest of the animal was cut up, cooked, and eaten. This feast was celebrated with dancing, music, and hymns, in praise of the god in whose honor the sacrifice was made. On great occasions as many as a hundred bullocks were offered at one time; and it is said that Pythagoras made this offering when he found out the demonstration of the forty-seventh proposition of the book of Euclid.

Saga (Sa′ga). The Scandinavian goddess of history. The word means a saw or saying; hence Sagas, which embody Scandinavian legends, and heroic or mythical traditions.

Sagittarius (Sagitta′rius), see Chiron.

Sails, see Daedalus.

Salamanders (Sal′aman′ders). The genii who, according to Plato, lived in fire.

“The spirits of fiery termagants in flame,
Mount up and take a Salamander’s name.”

Salatia (Sala′tia), or Salacia, a Roman goddess of the salt water. See Amphitrite.

Salii (Sal′ii). The priests of Mars who had charge of the sacred shields.

Salmoneus (Salmo′neus). A king of Elis who, for trying to imitate Jupiter’s thunders, was sent by the god straight to the infernal regions.

Salus (Sa′lus). The Roman goddess of health.

Sappho (Sap′pho), a celebrated poetess, a native of Lesbos, who flourished in the seventh century B.C. Her only connection with the goddesses of the time is that the Greeks called her “The tenth Muse.”

Sarcasm, see Momus.

Saron (Sa′ron), a sea-god.

Sarpedon (Sarpe′don), son of Jupiter by Europa. He accompanied Glaucus, when the latter set out to assist Priam against the Greeks in the Trojan War. He was slain by Patroclus.

Saturn (Sat′urn), king of the Universe, was father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. These gods quarreled amongst themselves as to the division of their father’s kingdom, which ended in Jupiter having heaven and earth, Neptune the sea, and Pluto the infernal regions.

Saturnalia (Saturna′lia). Festivals held in honor of Saturn about the 16th or 18th of December. Principally famous for the riotous disorder which generally attended them.

Saturnius (Satur′nius). A name given to Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, as sons of Saturn.

Satyavrata (Satya′vra′ta). The Hindoo god of law. The same as Menu.

Satyrs (Sat′yrs). Spirits of the woodland, half men, half goats, and fond of wine and women. They were the attendants of Dionysus, and were similar in most respects to the fauns who attended Pan. See Silenus.

“Five satyrs of the woodland sort.
. . .     .
With asses’ hoofs, great goggle eyes,
And double chins of monstrous size.”

Scylla (Scyl′la). A beautiful nymph who excited the jealousy of Neptune’s wife, Amphitrite, and was changed by the goddess into a frightful sea-monster, which had six fearfully ugly heads and necks, and which, rising unexpectedly from the deep, used to take off as many as six sailors from a vessel, and carry them to the bottom of the sea. An alternative danger with the whirlpool, Charybdis, which threatened destruction to all mariners.

“There on the right her dogs foul Scylla hides,
Charybdis roaring on the left presides.”

Scylla (Scyl′la). A daughter of Nysus, who was changed into a lark for cutting off a charmed lock of her father’s hair. See Nysus.

Sea, see Neptune.

Seasons, see Vertumnus.

Sea-Weed, see Glaucus.

Segetia (Sege′tia). A rural divinity who protected corn during harvest-time.

Sem. The Egyptian Hercules.

Semele (Sem′ele), daughter of Cadmus and the mother of Bacchus (Dionysus), who was born in a miraculous manner after Jupiter had visited her, at her special request, in all his terrible splendor. She was deified after her death, and named Thyone.

Semi-Dei were the demi-gods.

Semones (Semo′nes). Roman gods of a class between the “immortal” and the “mortal,” such as the Satyrs and Fauns.

Septerion (Septe′rion). A festival held every nine years at Delphi in honor of Apollo, at which the victory of that god over the Python was grandly represented.

Serapis (Sera′pis). The Egyptian Jupiter, and generally considered to be the same as Osiris. See Apis.

Serpent. The Greeks and Romans considered the serpent as symbolical of guardian spirits, and as such were often engraved on their altars. See Aesculapius, Apollo, Chimaera, Eurydice, and Medusa.

“Pleasing was his shape,
And lovely; never since of serpent kind,
Lovelier; not those that in Illyria changed
Hermione and Cadmus, or the god
In Epidaurus, nor to which transformed
Ammonian Jove, or Capitoline, was seen.”

Seshanaga (Sesh′anag′a). The Egyptian Pluto.

Sewers, see Cloacina.

Sharp-sightedness, see Lynceus.

Shepherds, see Pan.

Shields, see Ancilia.

Ships, see Neptune.

Silence, see Harpocrates and Tacita.

Silenus (Sile′nus). A Bacchanalian demi-god, the chief of the Satyrs. He is generally represented as a fat, drunken old man, riding on an ass, and crowned with flowers.

“And there two Satyrs on the ground,
Stretched at his ease, their sire Silenus found.”

Singing, see Polyhymnia, Thamyris.

Sirens, The (Si′rens). Sea nymphs, who by their music allured mariners to destruction. To avoid the snare when nearing their abode, Ulysses had the ears of his companions stopped with wax, and had himself tied to the mast of his ship. They thus sailed past in safety; but the Sirens, thinking that their charms had lost their powers, drowned themselves.

Sisyphus (Sis′yphus), son of Aeolus and Enaretta. He was condemned to roll a stone to the top of a hill in the infernal regions, and as it rolled down again when he reached the summit, his punishment was perpetual.

“I turned my eye, and as I turned, surveyed
A mournful vision! The Sisyphian shade.
With many a weary step and many a groan,
Up the high hill he leaves a huge round stone,
The huge round stone, resulting with a bound
Thunders impetuous down, and smokes along the ground.”
“Thy stone, O Sisyphus, stands still
Ixion rests upon his wheel,
And the pale specters dance.”

Siva (Si′va). In Hindoo mythology the “changer of form.” He is usually spoken of as the “Destroyer and Regenerator.”

Slaughter, see Furies.

Slaves, see Feronia.

Sleep, see Caduceus, Morpheus, and Somnus.

Sleipner (Sleip′ner). The eight-legged horse of Odin, the chief of the Scandinavian gods.

Winged Mercury

Sol. The sun. The worship of the god Sol is the oldest on record, and though he is sometimes referred to as being the same as the god Apollo, there is no doubt he was worshiped by the Egyptians, Persians, and other nations long before the Apollo of the Greeks was heard of. See Surya.

“Sol through white curtains shot a timorous ray,
And oped those eyes that must eclipse the day.”

Somnus (Som′nus). The Roman god of sleep, son of Erebus and Nox (Night). He was one of the infernal deities, and resided in a gloomy cave, void of light and air.

Sospita (Sos′pita). A name of Juno, as the safeguard of women. She is called the “saving goddess.”

Soter (So′ter). A Greek name of Jupiter, meaning Savior or deliverer.

Soul, see Psyche.

South Wind, see Auster.

Spear, see Pelias.

Sphinx, The. A monster having the head and breast of a woman, the body of a dog, the tail of a serpent, the wings of a bird, the paws of a lion, and a human voice. She lived in the country near Thebes, and proposed to every passer-by the following enigma: “What animal is that which walks on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening.” Oedipus solved the riddle thus: Man is the animal; for, when an infant he crawls on his hands and feet, in the noontide of life he walks erect, and as the evening of his existence sets in, he supports himself with a stick. When the Sphinx found her riddle solved she destroyed herself.

Spider, see Arachne.

Spindle, see Pallas.

Spinning, see Arachne, Ergatis.

Spring, see Vertumnus.

Stable, see Augaeas.

Stars, see Aurora.

Sterentius (Steren′tius). The Roman god who invented the art of manuring lands. See also Picumnus.

Steropes (Ster′opes). One of the Cyclopes.

Stone, see Medusa and Phlegyas.
