полная версияRelevance of Public-Private Partnerships for consulting services

Екатерина Харькова
Relevance of Public-Private Partnerships for consulting services

The most important findings of this paper are presented in the summary which contains among others the main steps for the conducting of the investigation.

Significance, object and methods

The research about the relevance of PPP for one of the Big Four consulting companies as the most preferred forms of cooperation between private and public sector is to start with a depiction of the significance this theme, a definition of the research object and a description of the applied methods.



Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are modern and efficient forms of administration. They have recently gained prominence as a term to describe a business relationship in which public and private resources are blended to achieve a goal or set of goals judged to be of a collaborative benefit to both the private entity and the public.

What are the reasons for the research of this kind of cooperation? What are the experiences with articles published about PPP and findable in the official sources? What is the role of PPPs in the business world, and what can one expect from them? These questions anticipate the research and assign a reason for this.
