полная версияA Christmas Carol; Or, The Miser\'s Warning!

Чарльз Диккенс
A Christmas Carol; Or, The Miser's Warning!

Scr. Already! You'll want all day to-morrow, I suppose.

Bob. If quite convenient, sir.

Scr. It's not convenient, and it's not fair. If I was to stop half-a-crown for it, you'd think yourself ill-used, I'll be bound, and yet you don't think me ill used when I pay a day's wages for no work.

Bob. Christmas comes but once a year.

Scr. A poor excuse for picking a man's pockets every twenty-fifth of December! Well, I suppose you must have the whole day. Be here all the earlier next morning. Here's your week's money, fifteen shillings – I ought to stop half-a-crown – never mind!

Bob. Thank you, sir! I'll be here before daylight, sir, you may depend upon it. Good night, sir. Oh, what a glorious dinner Mrs. C. shall provide. Good night, sir. A merry Christmas and a happy new year, sir.

Scr. Bah! humbug! (Exit Bob, 2 e. l. h.) So – alone once more. It's a rough night! I will go to bed soon – that will save supper. (Takes off his coat, boots, etc., and puts on morning gown and slippers, talking all the time.) 'Tis strange now the idea of Marley is haunting me to-night – everywhere I turn his face seems before me. Delusion – humbug! I'll sit down by the fire and forget him. (Takes basin of gruel from hob.) Here's my gruel! (Sits in easy chair by fire – puts on night cap, and presently appears to dose. Suddenly a clanking of chains and ringing of bells is heard – he's aroused, and looks up terrified.) That noise! It's humbug! I won't believe it! (The door slowly opens, and the Ghost of Marley glides in. A chain is round his body, and cash boxes, ledgers, padlocks, purses, etc., are attached to it.) How now! What do you want with me?

Ghost. Much.

Scr. Who are you?

Ghost. Ask me who I was.

Scr. Who were you, then. You're particular for a shade – I mean to a shade.

Ghost. In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley. You don't believe in me! Why do you doubt your senses?

Scr. Because a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef – a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are.

Ghost. (Unfastening the bandage round its head.) Man of the worldly mind, do you believe me or not?

Scr. I do – I must! But why do spirits walk the earth? Why do they come to me?

Ghost. It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow men, and travel far and wide – if not in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world, oh, woe is me! – and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness.

Scr. You are fettered!

Ghost. I wear the chain I forged in life – I made it link by link. Is its pattern strange to you? Oh, no space of regret can make amends for one life's opportunities misused.

Scr. But you were always a man of business —

Ghost. Business! Mankind was my business – charity, mercy, were all my business. At this time of the year I suffered most, for I neglected most. Hear me! I am here to-night to warn you that you have a chance and a hope of escaping my fate. You will be haunted by three spirits —

Scr. I – I'd rather be excused!

Ghost. Without their visits you cannot hope to shun the path I tread. Expect the first when the clock strikes one. Look to see me no more. For your own sake, remember what has passed between us. (Binds wrapper round its head once more – slowly approaches the door and disappears. Scrooge follows the phantom towards the door.)

Scr. It is gone. The air seems filled with phantoms – shades of many I knew when living – they all wear chains like Marley – they strive to assist the poor and stricken, but in vain – they seek to interfere for good in human nature, but have lost the power forever. (The clock strikes one —Scrooge staggers to a chair – the room is filled with a blaze of light – the Ghost of Christmas Past rises through trap – As described in Work, page 43.) Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me?

1st Spirit. I am!

Scr. Who and what are you?

1st Spirit. I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. Your welfare – your reclamation brings me here. Turn, and behold! (The Stage, becomes dark – a strong light is seen behind – the wall of the Miser's chamber fades away and discovers a school-room – a child is seated reading by a fire.) All have departed but this poor boy.

Scr. My poor forgotten self – and as I used to be!

1st Spirit. Look again! (A figure of Ali Baba is shown beyond the Child.)

Scr. Why it's dear old honest Ali Baba! Yes, one Christmas time, when yonder poor child was left alone, he did come just like that! (The figures of Valentine and Orson appear.) Ha! and Valentine and his wild brother Orson, too! (Robinson Crusoe and Friday appear.) Ha! and Robinson Crusoe, and his man Friday! Poor boy! he was left alone, while all the rest were making holiday. (The figures of Ali Baba, etc., disappear. As he speaks, a little Girl enters the school-room, and approaches the Boy.)

Girl. I am come to bring you home, dear brother – we are to be together this Christmas, and be so merry! (She leads him out. Scene fades away.)

Scr. My sister! poor little Fanny!

1st Spirit. A delicate creature, whom a breath might have withered. She died a woman, and had, as I think, children.

Scr. One child!

1st Spirit. True – your nephew. Know you this place? (The Scene at back is again lighted up, and discovers Fezziwig's warehouse. Fezziwig and Characters grouped as in Frontispiece of Work. Scrooge, as a young man.)

Scr. Why, 'tis old Fezziwig, to whom I was apprenticed – he is alive again! My fellow-apprentice, Dick Wilkins, too – myself, as I was then. 'Tis Christmas eve there. The happiness he gave at so small a price was quite as much as though it cost a fortune. (The tableau fades away. The Stage becomes dark. Enter Ellen in mourning. During the fading of the tableau Scrooge puts a cloak around him, etc., and seems a younger man.) I feel as if my years of life were less. Ha! who is this beside me?

1st Spirit. Have you forgotten your early love?

Scr. Ellen!

Ellen. Ebenezer, I come to say farewell forever! It matters little to you – very little – another idol has displaced me, and if I can cheer and comfort you in time to come, as I would have tried to do, I have no just cause to grieve.

Scr. What idol has displaced you?

Ellen. A golden one – the master passion. Gain alone engrosses you.

Scr. I have not changed towards you.

Ellen. Our contract is an old one – it was made when we were both poor. You are changed – I am not. That which promised happiness when we were one in heart, is fraught with misery now we are two. How often and how keenly I have thought of this I will not say. I have thought of it, and can release you.

Scr. Have I ever sought release?

Ellen. In word – no, never!

Scr. In what, then?

Ellen. In a changed nature – in an altered spirit – in every thing that made my love of any worth or value in your sight. If this had never been between us, tell me, would you seek me out, and try to win me now? Ah, no!

Scr. You think not —

Ellen. I would think otherwise if I could – but if you were free to-day, can even I believe that you would choose a dowerless girl – you who weigh everything by gain? Or did you so, do I not know your repentance and regret would surely follow. I do – and I release you, with a full heart, for the love of him you once were. You will forget all this – may you be happy in the life you have chosen! (She slowly exits r. h. Scrooge throws aside his cloak, and appears as before.)

Scr. Spirit, show me no more! Why do you delight to torture me?

1st Spirit. One shadow more. She whom you resigned for gold – for gain – for sordid ore – she you shall now behold as the tender wife of a good and upright man – as the happy mother of smiling children. You shall see them in their joyous home. Come, thou lonely man of gold – come!

Scr. No, no!

1st Spirit. I told you these were the shadows of the things that have been – that they are what they are do not blame me. Come —

Scr. No, no – I've seen enough – haunt me no longer! (The Spirit seizes him – he seizes the cap presses it upon the Spirit's head, who sinks under it, and disappears in a flood of light while Scrooge sinks exhausted on the floor.)

SCENE II.A Street. Houses covered with snow
Enter Dark Sam, l. h

Sam. It's very odd! I an't nimmed nothing to-night. Christmas eve, too – when people's got sich lots of tin! But they takes precious good care of it, 'cos I s'pose they thinks if they loses it, they shan't be able to get no Christmas dinner. If I can't prig nothin', I'm sure I shan't be able to get none. Unless this trade mends soon, I must turn undertaker's man again. There is a chance, in that honourable calling of a stray thing or two. Somebody comes! I wonder if I shall have any luck now.

Enter Bob, r. h

Bob. I shall soon be home! Won't my Martha be glad to see me – and what a pleasant happy Christmas Day we shall spend. What a dinner we shall have! I've got fifteen shillings – my week's wages – and I'm determined to spend every farthing of it. Won't we have a prime goose, and a magnificent pudding! And then the gin and water – and oranges – and the – oh, how jolly we shall be! And Tiny Tim, too – he never tasted goose before – how he will lick his dear little chops at the sage and onions! And as for Martha – my dear Martha, who is a dress-maker, and can only come to see us once in about four months – she shall have the parson's nose. Let me see – a goose will cost seven shillings – pudding five – that's twelve. Oranges, sage and onions, potatoes, and gin, at least three shillings more. Oh, there will be quite enough money, and some to spare. (During this speech Sam advances cautiously and picks his pocket.)
