полная версияAnna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion

Борис Романов
Anna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion

1. AA as well as ANR had a very severe congenital deformity of both feet legs "Hallux Valgus" (bunions), and just on the right foot is much greater. This is an extremely rare coincidence. More on this, see the section «Cinderella's glass slippers of Grand Duchess Anastasia».

2. Forensic judicial procedures comparison of the ears and of the handwritings of AA and ANR in the 1970-s and 1980-s have confirmed their identity.

3. AA had those same scars and traces of wounds that were inflicted soldiers to ANR in the basement of Ipatiev House at night July 17, 1918

4. AA had the same scar on his forehead, like ANR befor 1917, and she covered it with the same fringe.

5. AA knew many little-known details of private life and the nicknames of members of the royal family, and also the especially of their nature and manner of their inner circle. Many of those people (of the inner circle of the royal family), which had known ANR very well befor 1917) had no doubt that AA was ANR. Among such people are called Lily Teng, Tatiana and Gleb Botkin, GD Andrew (Romanov), Alexandra Tyegleva (wife of Pierre Gilliard and nurse of ANR till 1917), Xenia Leeds (Romanova) and also the German Prince Sigismund, the Swedish Princess Martha and the Norwegian crown prince. Not to mention those who at first recognized AA as ANR, but then refused (as Pierre Gilliard or valet Volkov)

6. AA, as AHP could read on French, German, English and Russian languages.

7. AA was the first who spoke about the secret visit of brother of Empress Alexandra, German Prince Ernst of Hesse, in Russia (in Tsarskoye Selo) in 1916. He, and all initially denied it – but AA was adamant, and she was right. By the way, just only this AA's statement made of "Uncle Ernie" her fierce and ruthless enemy for life, forever…

8. AA's face in excitement or in anger, was covered with red spots – just as the face of the Empress Alexandra. Finally, AA was a strict vegetarian, as the Empress Alexandra – NB that was a rarity in those time (in the begining of XX centure). In addition, AA liked sweet – as ANR liked it too. And they loved also the same animals (cats, dogs and parrots).

9. AA remembered some wounded soldiers and officers with whom ANR communicated in a hospital in Tsarskoye Selo in 1915-1917. And also AA tell anyone unknown details about the a life of tsar's family in the period of their life in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg in 1917-1918. In particular, her detailed story about a home staging performances of members of the Royal Family in Tobolsk was confirmed 30 years later in the memoirs of teacher of royal children Gibbs.

10. After the death of the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, in 1928 in Copenhagen, 13 members of the House of Romanov, issued a statement which declared AA as impostor. However, only one person out of these 13 of the Romanovs, only GD Olga saw AA and talked with her. But GD Olga talked with AA when she was very sick and not able to full communion. Nevertheless, some evidence suggests that at first GD Olga had recognized AA as ANR, and only later had changed her opinion…

Of course, all this is interesting, and all of this together is evidence in favor of the identity of Anna Anderson as Anastasia, But many people ask the question: how Anastasia could be rescued in July 1918? It is known two versions of salvation Anastasia. In the next two sections, I present these versions.

Version of rescue of the tsar's daughters from Perm.

In 1970-s American journalists S. Sammers and T. Mangold studied previously unknown part of the archives of the investigation in 1918-1919., found in 1930. in the U.S., and published the results of its investigation in 1976 [Sammers S., Mangold T. The File on the tsar. – London, 1976.] According to them, the findings NA Sokolov about the death of the entire royal family were made under pressure of Kolchak (Head of anti-Bolshevik White forces in 1918-1920), who for some reason was advantageous to declare killed all the members of the family.

A. Kolchak at the end of 1919 could order the investigator Sokolov announce killed all the members of the royal family, for two reasons: first, to promote the anti-Bolsheviks propaganda. The second reason is that, in December 1919, Kolchak has learned from a letter from his wife (from Romania), that rescued Anastasia crossed the border into Romania and escaped the Bolsheviks – Kolchak wanted mislead the Bolsheviks on the fate of Anastasia.

S. Sammers and T. Mangold consider more objective investigation and the findings of other investigators White Army (A. Nametkin I. Sergeev and A. Kirsta). According to them (Summers and Mangold's) opinion, the most likely to have been shot in Yekaterinburg only Nicholas II and heir, – and the Empress and her daughters were moved to Perm, and their subsequent fate is unknown. S. Sammers and T. Mangold inclined to believe that Anna Anderson was really Grand Duchess Anastasia.
