полная версияThe False One: A Tragedy

Beaumont Francis
The False One: A Tragedy

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New Titles warrant not a Play for new,
The Subject being old; and 'tis as true,
Fresh and neat matter may with ease be fram'd
Out of their Stories, that have oft been nam'd
With glory on the Stage; what borrows he
From him that wrote old Priam's Tragedy,
That writes his love to Hecuba? Sure to tell
Of Cæsars amorous heats, and how he fell
In the Capitol, can never be the same
To the Judicious; Nor will such blame
Those who pen'd this, for Barrenness when they find
Young Cleopatra here, and her great Mind
Expressed to the height, with us a Maid, and free,
And how he rated her Virginitie.
We treat not of what boldness she did dye,
Nor of her fatal Love to Antony.
What we present and offer to your view,
Upon their faiths the Stage yet never knew.
Let Reason then first to your Wills give laws,
And after judge of them and of their cause.


I Now should wish another had my place,
But that I hope to come off, and with Grace;
And but express some sign that you are pleas'd,
We of our doubts, they of their fears are eas'd.
I would beg further (Gentlemen) and much say
In favour of our selves, them, and the Play;
Did I not rest assured, the most I see
Hate Impudence, and cherish Modestie.


p. 300, ll. 5-39. Not in 1st folio.

p. 301, l. 3. 2nd folio] Achil. Love the K. l. 30. frequent in this. l. 31. to safe.

p. 302, l. 13. and give.

p. 303, l. 10. 2nd folio here and frequently prints] Septinius.

p. 304, ll. 3 and 4. o' these … foole us; l. 7. 2nd folio misprints] Aeh.

p. 305. l. 7. Till they. l. 24. 2nd folio misprints] and.

p. 309, l. 30. A missing bracket has been added before Photinus.

p. 310, l. 4. Prerogatives. l. 31. 2nd folio misprints] Potolmy. l. 40. hand of.

p. 313, l. 29. a Prisoner.

p. 316, l. 2. of thy. l. 11. Omits in. l. 14. sought him.

p. 318, l. 16. A comma has been added at the end of the line.

p. 320, l. 20. tell you. l. 24. Adds the following line] I gave you no comission to performe it: l. 31. with ye. l. 32. Hangers.

p. 321, l. 23. told ye. l. 30. ye are.

p. 322, l. 33. my anger.

p. 323, l. 2. 2nd folio] Lordships.

p. 324, l. 32. Adds the following line] The rule of ill, I'le trust before the dore.

p. 325, l. 1. I sat. l. 17. Affrinius. l. 23. past now. l. 29. comes still.

p. 326, l. 9. Omits rich. l. 32. Omits that.

p. 327, l. 3. Pray.

p. 328, l. 1. I know. l. 6. on a.

p. 329, l. 14. first would.

p. 330, l. 34. 2nd folio misprints] Apollodrous.

p. 331, l. 28. loades us.

p. 332, l. 11. this rare. l. 20. cradled.

p. 333, l. 27. halfe an houre.

p. 334, l. 13. Devills are light.

p. 336, l. 1. 2nd folio] villaines. l. 10. my God. l. 12. Rude valorus. l. 28. 2nd folio] shall.

p. 337, l. 1. blood. l. 7. stuffes. l. 8. Leaper. l. 26. Omits To.

p. 338, l. 18. 2nd folio misprints] Sep. l. 23. the charities. l. 31. The infectious.

p. 340, l. 20. readiest. l. 30. Adds after treasure?] richer still?

p. 341, l. 11. Omits me.

p. 343, l. 1. hidden.

p. 344, l. 13. they would. l. 31. Pray thee be.

p. 346, l. 23. Lovers.

p. 347, l. 9. Dye not.

p. 348, l. 39. to my.

p. 349, l. 18. backe; but.

p. 350, l. 34. 2nd folio misprints] lasciciously.

p. 351, l. 20. 2nd folio misprints] Sec.

p. 353, l. 20. 2nd folio] 2 Sol. l. 27. loose all.

p. 355, l. 23. 2nd folio misprints] Sep. l. 35. 2nd folio misprints] maidend-head.

p. 356, l. 6. 2nd folio misprints] Achil. l. 16. hearest.

p. 357, l. 10. to weale my. l. 22. bondmans.

p. 359, l. 21. A will. l. 31. manur. l. 37. 2nd folio] marrow. l. 38. Cities, were made.

p. 360, l. 14. 2nd folio] Brother, company that's. l. 28. them.

p. 362, l. 9. darst. l. 17. This Devill. l. 23. rewarded, or return'd. l. 29. I owe.

p. 363, l. 6. while. l. 7. Achillas troops. l. 17. a moneth. l. 27. Photinus secrets.

p. 365, ll. 15 and 16.

They rufled me:
But that I could endure, and tire 'em too,
Would they proceed no further.

l. 20. When an.

p. 367, l. 6. To Ptolomy, to Cæsar. l. 23. Photinus name. l. 29. th' Egyptian.

p. 368, l. 37. make it. l. 39. and I will.

p. 369, l. 6. Nor loose. l. 16. you Eagletss. l. 18. 'em.

p. 370, l. 37. Omits that.

p. 371, l. 5. Omits Cæs. l. 15. for Rome. l. 20. The Prologue. l. 32. Those that penn'd.

p. 372, l. 7. The Epilogue. l. 13. In the favour.
