полная версияPride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen\'s novel

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Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel

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But it must materially lessen their chances of marrying men of any consideration in the world.


Of marrying? You go fast, Darcy.


Perhaps. But I am in no humour to give consequence to young ladies. I am here to please you, Bingley – and – [He smiles meaningly.] knowing your disposition, I think it is just as well that I came.

[Bingley is about to reply when the door opens and Mrs. Bennet enters, followed by Jane and Elizabeth. The two young men make ceremonious bows. Mrs. Bennet curtsies and then advances with delighted fussiness.]

Mrs. Bennet

Good morning, gentlemen. I am so sorry that Mr. Bennet has gone for his walk.

[As she looks a little puzzled from one to the other, Bingley advances.]


Good morning, Mrs. Bennet. I am Mr. Bingley, your new neighbour at Netherfield. This is my friend, Mr. Darcy, of Pendleton, Derbyshire. [All bow and curtsy.] Mr. Bennet has been so kind as to call upon us, and we are most happy to have the honour of waiting upon the ladies of his family.

Mrs. Bennet

We are delighted to see you, I am sure! Mr. Bingley – Mr. Darcy – [Indicating Jane] – my eldest daughter, Miss Bennet. [Indicating Elizabeth] – Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

[The girls make low curtsies – the gentlemen bow.]

Will not you be seated, gentlemen? [The guests and ladies seat themselves.] I am sure you must like Netherfield, Mr. Bingley. I do not know a place in the country that is equal to Netherfield. You will not think of quitting it in a hurry, I hope, though you have but a short lease.


Whatever I do is done in a hurry, Mrs. Bennet, and therefore if I should resolve to quit Netherfield I should probably be off in five minutes. At present, however, [looking intently at Jane] I consider myself as quite fixed here.


It is very pleasant to have Netherfield open once more, although you must both miss London. There is so much gaiety in London.


Yes, in a country neighbourhood you move in a confined and unvarying society.

[Mrs. Bennet looks vexed at this speech.]


But people themselves alter so much that there is something new to be observed in them forever.

[Darcy turns and looks at Elizabeth with surprise and interest.]


Then you are a student of character, Miss Elizabeth. It must be an amusing study.

Mrs. Bennet

Yes, Lizzy always likes to watch people. [Looking at Darcy.] And there are plenty of people about, even if you do live in the country. The country is a vast deal pleasanter than London, is not it, Mr. Bingley?


When I am in the country I never wish to leave it, and when I am in town it is pretty much the same. They have each their advantages and I am equally happy in either.

Mrs. Bennet

Ay – that is because you have the right disposition. [Looking at Darcy.] But that gentleman seemed to think the country was nothing at all.


[Quickly.] Indeed, mamma, you are mistaken. You quite mistook Mr. Darcy. He only meant that there is not such a variety of people to be met with in the country as in town, which you must acknowledge to be true.

Mrs. Bennet

Certainly, my dear, nobody said there was – but as to not meeting with many people in this neighbourhood, I believe there are few neighbourhoods larger. I know we dine with four-and-twenty families.

[As all become embarrassed at this speech, Bingley comes to the rescue.]


Yes, there are many fine estates hereabout. Can you see Sir William Lucas' place from the garden? I am not quite sure I have placed it.

Mrs. Bennet

Oh, yes, there is a fine view of the chimneys from the terrace. Sir William is our nearest neighbour. Such an agreeable man – so genteel, and so easy – [Rising, she goes toward the glass doors.] Come, Jane, we must show Mr. Bingley Sir William's chimneys.

[Mrs. Bennet, Bingley, and Jane go out upon the terrace.]


[Smiling mischievously.] Would not you also like to see the chimneys, Mr. Darcy?


Thank you. Like yourself, I prefer people to places.


Did I say that?


Not precisely. But I have drawn that conclusion.


[Gathering her sewing materials, begins to embroider.] Well, I can laugh at people better than places, and I dearly love a laugh.


Isn't that rather a dangerous trait, Miss Bennet? The wisest and the best of men may be rendered ridiculous by a person whose first object in life is a joke.


Certainly. But I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can. [Mischievously.] But these, I suppose, are precisely what you are without.


Perhaps that is not possible for anyone. But it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which often expose a strong understanding to ridicule.


And in your list of weaknesses do you include such faults as vanity and pride, for instance?


Yes, vanity is a weakness, indeed, but pride, where there is a real superiority of mind – pride will be always under good regulation.


I am perfectly convinced, Mr. Darcy, that you have no defect.


I have made no such pretension, Miss Bennet. I have faults enough. My temper I dare not vouch for. I cannot forget the follies and vices of others against myself. My good opinion once lost is lost forever.


That is a failing, indeed. Implacable resentment is a shade in a character. But you have chosen your fault well. I really cannot laugh at it. You are safe from me.


There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil – a natural defect which not even the best education can overcome.


And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody.


[Smiling.] And yours to wilfully misunderstand them.

[Voices are heard outside. Elizabeth applies herself to her embroidery. Bingley, Jane, and Mrs. Bennet return from the terrace.]


The surrounding country is really charming, Mrs. Bennet.

Mrs. Bennet

We think so. But you must give us a ball at Netherfield, Mr. Bingley, and then you will see that some of the people who live here are worth knowing.


[Distressed.] Oh, mamma!




Certainly, Mrs. Bennet. I had already decided upon it. I told Mr. Darcy only yesterday that as soon as my sister, Miss Bingley, arrived, and Nicholas could make white soup enough, I should send out my cards. Did not I, Darcy?


[Very stiffly.] I believe you did.

Mrs. Bennet

Well, that is vastly good in you, Mr. Bingley; and then, perhaps, your friend may change his mind about the country. [To Darcy.] You didn't come to admire Sir William's chimneys, Mr. Darcy.


I was admiring your daughter's work, Madam.

Mrs. Bennet

Oh, you should see Jane's work. Lizzy is all for books, like her father. She is a great reader and has no pleasure in anything else. Jane, show your embroidered parrot to Mr. Bingley.


I do not think Mr. Bingley would be interested, ma'am.


[Eagerly.] Oh, indeed, I should, Miss Bennet; I am very much interested in parrots. – Pray show it to me.

Mrs. Bennet

Yes, and the new hand-screen. I will find it for you.

[All three withdraw, leaving Elizabeth and Darcy together.]


And so you are a great reader and take no pleasure in anything else?


Mamma does not understand. I deserve neither such praise nor such censure. I am not a great reader, and I have pleasure in many things.


So I should have thought.


[Looking at the screen which he holds in his hand.]

It is amazing to me how young ladies can have patience to be so very accomplished as they are; to think how you all paint tables and cover screens and net purses. It is quite wonderful.


Do you agree with your friend, Mr. Darcy?


His list of the common extent of accomplishments has too much truth. But I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen young ladies in the whole range of my acquaintance that are really accomplished.


Then you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman.


Perhaps. To deserve the word, a woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages. She must also possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking – the tone of her voice – her address and expression, and to all this she must yet add something more substantial – [With a little bow to Elizabeth.] in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.


[Laughing.] I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women! I rather wonder at your knowing any.


[Enters and announces.] Colonel Forster and Mr. Wickham.

[The gentlemen enter, smiling.]


Here I am again, Mrs. Bennet. I found that Colonel Forster had a message for the young ladies.

Mrs. Bennet

I am delighted to see you. You are just in time to meet our new neighbours. [Introducing the gentlemen.] Colonel Forster, Mr. Wickham – Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy.

[As the gentlemen enter, Mr. Darcy has his back turned to them in conversation with Elizabeth. At the sound of Wickham's voice he starts and turns so that he faces the latter just in time for the introduction. At sight of Darcy, Wickham starts and is greatly confused. Darcy stiffens and scarcely nods when Wickham is introduced. The whole situation is so marked that everyone looks on with an astonishment to which Mrs. Bennet gives audible expression.]

Mrs. Bennet

Well, well! If ever there was a proud, stiff man —


[In a dismayed whisper.] Mamma!


[Looking distressed, speaks hurriedly.] Oh, Mrs. Bennet, I'm sorry that we cannot wait for Mr. Bennet. We – we – were on the way to meet my steward – and we are already late for the appointment.

Mrs. Bennet

[Effusively.] I am very sorry you must go, Mr. Bingley. But I hope you will come again. We must engage you soon for dinner.


[In an absent and worried way.] It will be a pleasure.

[Then with bows, the party moves toward the door.]

Mrs. Bennet

[Bustling.] Your best way to the paddock is by the terrace.

[The gentlemen have almost reached the glass doors when Mr. Collins comes in excitedly, putting himself directly in the way of Bingley and Darcy.]

Mr. Collins

My dear Miss Elizabeth, I have this moment found out by a singular accident that there is now in this room a near relation of my patroness Lady Catherine de Bourg. Will you present me?

[He looks enquiringly from one to the other of the young men.]


Mr. Bingley, allow me to present my cousin, Mr. Collins – Mr. Darcy – Mr. Collins.

Mr. Collins

[Taking almost no notice of Mr. Bingley, he greets Mr. Darcy with servile effusion.] My dear sir – I trust you will pardon me for not having paid my respects before. My total ignorance of your presence here must plead my apology. [Looking severely about him at the ladies.] I was not informed of it. Is there any message, sir, which I could take from you to my honoured patroness – your aunt, or to your fair cousin – Miss de Bourg?


[Stiffly.] Thank you, I will not trouble you so far.

Mr. Collins

It would be no trouble – but an honour and a privilege.


[Disgusted, turns from him to Bingley.] We are already very late, Bingley.


Yes, – we have no time to lose.

[Darcy and Bingley give passing bows and go out by the glass doors. Mr. Collins keeps by Darcy's side and, as they pass out of sight, is seen still talking to him, to his evident annoyance. All the time that the party is bidding good-bye to Bingley and Darcy, Wickham has been moodily standing by the fireplace. Elizabeth has evidently been concerned about him, for throughout the foregoing interview with Mr. Collins, she has looked at Wickham from time to time.]


[Enters at the door leading to the hall.] May I speak to you, Madam?

Mrs. Bennet

Yes, Hill, yes. [To the gentlemen.] Excuse me for a moment. I will return directly. [Mrs. Bennet and Hill go out.]

Colonel Forster

Oh, Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth! Your aunt, Mrs. Phillips, has sent word by me that her card-party is to be on Wednesday. She hopes you will surely be there.


[In a pre-occupied way, looking towards Wickham.] Oh, yes, we shall go.

Colonel Forster

[As he passes the piano, and looking at some music which is on the rack.] Ah! Here is the song you have promised to sing to me. Pray sing it now, Miss Elizabeth.


Really, Colonel Forster, you must excuse me for to-day. Jane will play for you, instead.


Indeed, I cannot, Lizzy.


[Looking meaningly at her.] Please, Jane.

Colonel Forster

Oh, do, I beg – Miss Bennet.

[All through the following interview between Elizabeth and Wickham, the tinkle of the instrument is heard. During their conversation Jane's back is turned – also Colonel Forster's as he looks over her music – so that Elizabeth and Wickham are practically alone. Elizabeth returns to her embroidery. There is an awkward pause for a moment. Wickham finally breaks it.]


How long has Mr. Darcy been in Hertfordshire, Miss Elizabeth?


Only for a very short time, I believe. He comes from Derbyshire, I understand, and has a very large property there.


Yes, his estate is a noble one. A clear ten thousand per annum. I am well informed on this head – [Hesitates.] I have been connected with Mr. Darcy's family in a particular manner since my infancy.


[Surprised.] Indeed?


You may well be surprised, Miss Elizabeth, at this assertion after seeing the very cold manner of our meeting just now. [After a pause.] Are you much acquainted with Mr. Darcy?


No. Though I have heard of him, I met him for the first time to-day, but even on this short acquaintance I should take him to be an ill-tempered man.


[As if he had come to a sudden decision.] Miss Elizabeth, you have been a witness of Mr. Darcy's treatment of me to-day, and therefore I feel that I must, for my own justification, acquaint you with the facts of my past connection with him.


I shall respect your confidence, Mr. Wickham.


I am sure of it. [After a short pause.] Mr. Darcy and I were born in the same parish. My own father, who, to be frank, was steward of the Darcy estates, gave up everything to serve the interests of the Darcy family. Mr. Darcy's father was excessively attached to me: – indeed, I was his godson. He meant to provide for me amply, and thought he had done so. I was destined for the church and Mr. Darcy's father left to me a most valuable living. But the present Mr. Darcy chose to ignore his father's will and gave the living to another man. This closed for me the career for which I was most fitted and left me with almost no means of support.


Good heavens! But how could that be? Why did not you seek legal redress?


There was an informality in the terms of the will which gave me no hope from the law. Mr. Darcy's father had relied implicitly upon the honour of his son.


But – this is quite shocking. Mr. Darcy deserves to be publicly disgraced!


Sometime or other he will be, but not by me. Till I can forget his father, I can never defy or expose him.


This feeling does you honour. But what can have induced Mr. Darcy to behave so cruelly?


I must attribute it in some measure to his jealousy. His father's uncommon attachment to me irritated him, but the fact is, Miss Elizabeth, as you can see, we are very different men, and he hates me.


His disposition must be dreadful.


I will not trust myself on that subject.


To treat in such a manner the godson – the friend – the favourite of his father! How abominable!


And yet, Miss Elizabeth, we must try to be just to him. Mr. Darcy has many good qualities. He can be both liberal and generous. He has also a brother's affection and pride which makes him a careful guardian of his sister.


Oh, he has a sister?


Yes. You will hear him cried up as the most attentive and best of brothers. Oh, Mr. Darcy can please when he chooses. Among those who are his equals he is a very different man from what he is to the less prosperous.



Colonel Forster

[Interrupting.] Wickham!


[Starting.] Yes, Colonel Forster.

Colonel Forster

I fear we must be going.


[Hurriedly to Elizabeth.] Thank you for listening to me. It is hard to be misjudged.


Thank you for your confidence. It is well to know the truth.

Colonel Forster

Well, Miss Elizabeth, I hope we shall see you all at your aunt's on Wednesday. Good morning. [To Jane.] Good morning, Miss Bennet. Thank you for the music. Please present my respects to Mrs. Bennet. I am sorry that we cannot wait longer.


[Effusively.] Yes, Miss Bennet, be sure to give your mother my best regards. Good morning – [All bow and curtsy. As he is leaving he speaks aside.] Oh, Miss Elizabeth, may I entreat —


You may depend upon my sympathy.


[Looking at her with an understanding smile.] I am most grateful.

[The gentlemen go out of the door. Jane and Elizabeth go into the recess and look from the window. There is a short pause.]

Mrs. Bennet

[Enters, flurried, and looks about her.] Well, have they gone?

[Mr. Collins enters through the glass doors at the center. He sees Mrs. Bennet.]

Mr. Collins

Oh, Madam, I am just returned from attending on Mr. Darcy. Such a privilege! He was most condescending. I was able to tell him that Lady Catherine was very well on Saturday sennight. He is very like Lady Catherine. I am sure you must have been impressed by his distinguished manners.

Mrs. Bennet

Well, really, Mr. Collins!

[A titter is heard from the recess where the girls are seated, and then Jane's voice.]


Oh, Lizzy, hush!

Mr. Collins

[Hearing this, turns and discovers the two girls. Then he speaks to Mrs. Bennet with lowered voice, as if an idea had just come to him.] This meeting is most opportune. Will you kindly step this way for a moment? [He draws Mrs. Bennet aside.] May I hope, Madam, for your interest with your fair daughter Jane, in the matter on which we were speaking yesterday? I would solicit the honour of a private audience with her this morning.

Mrs. Bennet

Certainly, Mr. Collins. [Hesitating.] But there have been some changes since then. Some things have happened – I think it is right you should know, that – that Jane is very likely to be soon engaged. [Encouragingly.] But there is Elizabeth. I cannot take it upon myself to say – I cannot possibly answer – but I do not know of any prepossession in her case, and I am sure she can have no objection to listen to you.

[Mrs. Bennet goes to the fire and stirs it.]

Mr. Collins

[As soon as she has finished.] Then Miss Elizabeth let it be, Madam. I was struck by her attitude of respectful awe when I mentioned the Lady Catherine de Bourg. Such modesty and humility of mind cannot but recommend her to my patroness.

Mrs. Bennet

[Looking rather astonished at this last speech, but recovering herself.] Yes, my daughter Elizabeth knows what is proper. She will be very happy to listen to you. Shall I call her now?

Mr. Collins

I think, Madam, there should be no further loss of time, as my leave of absence extends only to the coming Saturday.

Mrs. Bennet

Very well – [She goes to the recess where the two girls are talking together.] Jane, I want you upstairs. Lizzy, Mr. Collins has something he wishes to say to you.


[Suspicious and dismayed.] Dear ma'am, Mr. Collins must excuse me. I was just going away myself.

Mrs. Bennet

Now, no nonsense, Lizzy! I desire you will stay. Mr. Collins has something very particular to say to you. [As Elizabeth tries to escape.] Lizzy, I insist upon your staying and hearing Mr. Collins. Come, Jane – [Mrs. Bennet and Jane go out.]

Mr. Collins

[Approaching Elizabeth, who does not move from the place where her mother left her.] Believe me, my dear Miss Elizabeth, your modesty so far from doing you any disservice rather adds to your other perfections. But allow me to assure you that I have your respected mother's permission for this address. [He escorts Elizabeth with clumsy gallantry to the sofa, then brings a chair and seats himself opposite to her. Elizabeth has recovered herself sufficiently to begin to enjoy the humour of the situation.] My fair cousin, you must have at least surmised that I am about to ask you to become the companion of my life. And perhaps I had better begin by stating my reasons for this decision before I am run away with by my feelings on this subject. [Elizabeth is so overcome with laughter at this idea that she can hardly speak, or keep a decent countenance.]


Oh, I beg, Mr. Collins —

Mr. Collins

One moment. My reasons for marrying are, first, – that I think it a right thing for every clergyman to set the example of matrimony to his parish; second, I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness; third, it is the particular advice of that very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness.


[With more command of her voice.] Believe me, Mr. Collins —

Mr. Collins

Excuse me – one moment. It remains only to be told why my views were directed to Longbourn instead of to my own neighbourhood. The fact is that, being as I am to inherit this estate after the death of your father (who, however, may live many years longer), I could not satisfy myself without resolving to choose a wife from among his daughters, that the loss to them might be as little as possible, when the melancholy event took place. This has been my motive, my fair cousin, and I flatter myself it will not sink me in your esteem.


Mr. Collins, – I —

Mr. Collins

[Rising and approaching nearer to Elizabeth.] Still one moment more! And now nothing remains for me but to assure you, in the most animated language, of the violence of my affection. To fortune I am perfectly indifferent, and you may assure yourself that no ungenerous reproach on that score shall ever pass my lips when we are married.


[Rising in her turn.] You are too hasty, sir! You forget that I have made no answer. Accept my thanks for the compliment you are paying me. I am very sensible of the honour of your proposals, but it is impossible for me to do otherwise than decline them.

Mr. Collins

[With another formal wave of the hand.] I am not unmindful of the fact that sometimes a young lady's refusal is repeated a second or even a third time. I am, therefore, by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and I shall hope to lead you to the altar ere long.


Upon my word, sir, your hope is rather an extraordinary one after my declaration! You must pay me the compliment of believing what I say. I wish you very happy, and very rich, and, by refusing your hand, do all in my power to prevent your being otherwise. This matter may be considered, therefore, as definitely settled.

[She is about to leave the room when Mr. Collins detains her.]

Mr. Collins

One moment. When I do myself the honour of speaking to you next on this subject, I shall hope to receive a more favourable answer.


[Becoming angry.] Really, Mr. Collins, you puzzle me exceedingly. I know not how to express my refusal in such a way as may convince you of its being one.

Mr. Collins

You must give me leave to flatter myself, my dear cousin, that your refusals of my address are merely words, of course. I shall choose to attribute them to your wish of increasing my love by suspense, according to the usual practice of elegant females.


[Very decidedly.] Please do not consider me now as an 'elegant female'; I would rather be paid the compliment of being believed sincere. To accept your proposal is absolutely impossible. Can I speak plainer?

Mr. Collins

[With awkward gallantry.] You are uniformly charming; but I am persuaded that when my proposals are sanctioned by both your parents they will not fail of being acceptable. Meanwhile I may perhaps best serve my cause by leaving you to consider the matter by yourself for a while.

[He bows and withdraws to the door. Elizabeth with a gesture as if she gave the whole matter up in despair, and yet half amused, goes to the fireplace. Just as Mr. Collins reaches the door Mrs. Bennet opens it.]

Mrs. Bennet

Well, Mr. Collins, are we to congratulate each other? [Looking doubtfully at Elizabeth.] Has all gone as you could wish?

Mr. Collins

I have every reason to be satisfied, Madam. My cousin has indeed steadily refused this, my first offer, and with considerable warmth, but this refusal would naturally flow from her bashful modesty. With your influence behind me, I have no doubt of my ultimate success.

Mrs. Bennet

Yes, you may depend upon me, Mr. Collins. I will speak to Lizzy myself directly. She is a very headstrong, foolish girl and does not know her own interest. But I will make her know it.

Mr. Collins

[Alarmed.] Pardon me, Madam, but if she is really headstrong and foolish, I know not whether she would altogether be a very desirable wife to a man in my situation. If, therefore, Miss Elizabeth persists in rejecting my suit, perhaps it were better not to force her into accepting me.

Mrs. Bennet

[Alarmed in her turn.] Sir, you quite misunderstand me. Lizzy is only headstrong in such matters as these. In everything else she is as good-natured a girl as ever lived. Let me see her alone for a moment. That will be the best.

Mr. Collins

But Madam – I —

Mrs. Bennet

[Almost forcing Mr. Collins out of the room.] Oh, I shall very soon settle it with her, I am sure. [Mr. Collins goes out. Mrs. Bennet goes quickly to Elizabeth.] Lizzy, what is the meaning of all this? Have you refused Mr. Collins?


Yes, mamma, but please listen —

Mrs. Bennet

[Angrily.] No, I will not listen. I tell you what, Miss Lizzy, if you take it into your head to go on refusing every offer of marriage in this way, you will never get a husband at all. I am going at once to the library and speak to your father. You will listen to him perhaps.

[Mrs. Bennet starts to go when she sees Mr. Bennet outside passing the glass doors. He is just returning from his walk and carries a book under his arm.]

Mrs. Bennet

Oh, there he is now! [She runs to the door, and opens it.] Oh, Mr. Bennet – Mr. Bennet! [Mr. Bennet turns. Mrs. Bennet runs out, takes him by the arm, and tries to pull him into the room by main force. Mr. Bennet, puzzled, submits.]

Mrs. Bennet

[While she draws Mr. Bennet into the room.] Oh, Mr. Bennet, you are wanted immediately. We are all in an uproar. You must come and make Lizzy marry Mr. Collins, for she vows she will not have him, and, if you do not make haste, Mr. Collins will change his mind and not have her.

Mr. Bennet

I have not the pleasure of understanding you. Of what are you talking?

Mrs. Bennet

Of Mr. Collins and Lizzy! Lizzy declares she will not have Mr. Collins, and Mr. Collins begins to say he will not have Lizzy.

Mr. Bennet

Lizzy? I thought it was Jane.

Mrs. Bennet

No – no – It's Lizzy now!

Mr. Bennet

Ah! And what am I to do on the occasion? It seems a hopeless business.

Mrs. Bennet

Speak to Lizzy. There she is. [Pointing to Elizabeth at the fireplace.] Tell her that you insist upon her marrying him.

Mr. Bennet

[Turning to Elizabeth.] Come here, child. [Elizabeth goes to her father.] This is an affair of importance. I understand that Mr. Collins has made you an offer of marriage. Is this true?


Yes – papa – it – is.

Mr. Bennet

Very well – and this offer of marriage you have refused.


I have, sir.

Mr. Bennet

We now come to the point. Your mother insists upon your accepting him. Is it not so, Mrs. Bennet?

Mrs. Bennet

Yes, or I will never see her again!

Mr. Bennet

An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. From this day, you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again, if you do not marry Mr. Collins; and I will never see you again if you do.
