полная версияFrom the history of Orenburg region

Андрей Тихомиров
From the history of Orenburg region

In the tenth five-year plan (1976-1980), 150 industrial facilities were built. The gas complex remained the largest construction site in the region. With the commissioning of the third stage, its capacity amounted to 45 billion cubic meters of gas, over 1 million tons of sulfur, more than 2 million tons of gas condensate per year. The Orenburg region began to produce 10% of the gas produced in the country. The commissioning of the Soyuz main gas pipeline was an outstanding labor victory. The beginning of the production of "solar gas" – helium was of great importance for the successful development of the gas chemical industry. 11 installations for integrated gas treatment have been created at the gas complex, each of which is a large enterprise equipped with modern controls, process control regulations, and many technical solutions adopted here have been developed and implemented for the first time in the USSR. During the tenth five-year plan, the last two power units of the Iriklinskaya GRES were put into operation ahead of schedule. An energy giant was created in the Orenburg steppes, equal in capacity to four Dneproges. In addition, the universal mill "800" at OKHMK, new facilities at the Yuzhuralmashzavod, a silk fabric factory were put into operation, the Orsk Tractor Trailer Plant and two stages of the asbestos plant began to produce products. Over the years of the five-year plan, about 7 billion rubles of capital investments were disbursed. The construction of the Tyulgan coal mine was underway.

In the eleventh five-year plan (1981-1985), 129 existing facilities came into operation. Among them are two electric steelmaking furnaces at OHMK, new facilities of the Gaisky Mining and Processing Plant, the Orsk Tractor Trailer Plant, the helium plant, the plant of control and distribution devices, the silk fabric plant, a shoe factory and others.

Even in the last twelfth Gorbachev five-year plan (1986-1990), the main task was to carry out the reconstruction and modernization of industrial enterprises in Orenburg region, including the Yuzhuralnikel, Gaisky mining and processing, Mednogorsk copper-sulfur, Orsko-Khalilov Metallurgical, Gidropress association, garment factories and other enterprises of the light and food industries. An urgent need has become to increase the level of automation and mechanization of production and reduce manual labor. A broad program of capital construction was also carried out in the agriculture of the region. It was stated that in the five-year plan, the entire increase in production should be achieved through an increase in labor productivity, and resource conservation becomes the main source of meeting the needs for raw materials, materials and energy for these purposes. Such growth is ensured by the widespread introduction of new generations of equipment and technology, the improvement of equipment and existing technology, mechanization and automation of production, and the introduction of robotic complexes. The Zaikinsky group of oil fields in Pervomaisky district is being developed. Deeper processing of Orenburg gas is being carried out with an increase in production to 59 billion cubic meters per year due to the development of the Berdyansk and Karachaganak gas fields in Kazakhstan. To implement a comprehensive program for the production of consumer goods, their output increases 1.3 times. In the food industry, bakeries are being built in Buguruslan, Sorochinsk, Yasny, a pasta shop in Orsk and a confectionery shop in Orenburg. Dairy and cheese factories, meat processing plants are being reconstructed and expanded. Transport and communications are being further developed in the five-year plan. The construction of the second tracks on the Orenburg – Kinel and Iletsk – Yaysan routes is being completed, and the Orenburg – Kinel section is being electrified. The network of paved roads is increasing by 2 thousand kilometers. The capacity of urban PBX is increasing by 72 thousand numbers, and the construction of an intercity telephone exchange in Orenburg is coming to an end. The region is allocated 8 billion rubles of capital investments, 30% more than the level of the eleventh five-year plan. The second stage of the Tyulgan coal mine, a new thermal power plant in Orsk are being built, and the expansion of the Sakmarskaya thermal power plant is being completed. 6 thousand kilometers of power transmission lines have been put into operation, among them the power line-500 Iriklinskaya GRES – Orenburg. The KamAZ automobile center in Orenburg, the second stage of the Orsk Tractor Trailer Plant, a plant of repair and technological equipment, and 14 automobile gas filling stations are also being built. At the same time, factories of the construction industry and precast concrete in Orenburg, Orsk, Buzuluk and Sorochinsk are being reconstructed and re-equipped, large-panel housing construction plants of Glavorenburgstroy and Oblselstroy are reaching full capacity. 2.4 billion rubles have been allocated to strengthen the material and technical base of the agro-industry. Reconstruction of livestock farms is underway, storage facilities for agricultural products are being built, greenhouse complexes in the state farms Druzhba and Zarechny. Orenburg village receives 20 thousand tractors, 13 thousand cars, 13 thousand cars in the five-year plan. grain harvesters, many other machines and equipment. Based on the intensification and application of scientifically based systems in agriculture and animal husbandry, the allowed lag has been overcome and grain production, especially hard and strong wheat, millet, potatoes and vegetables, and feed production have been increased. The average annual volume of gross agricultural output is increasing by 14-16%. In the five-year plan, Orenburg residents received 5 million square meters of housing, 1.5 times the cost of public utilities, landscaping of cities and villages. The network of preschool institutions, secondary schools and hospitals is growing. A comprehensive program for the development of public services is being implemented. The volume of household services is increasing by 25% in the five-year plan. Great attention is paid to environmental protection.

In total, during the existence of Soviet power, more than 1.2 thousand industrial facilities were introduced in Orenburg region" (Tikhomirov A.E., Historical research. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014, pp. 175-179).

The emergence of educational institutions in Orenburg region

The appearance of the first educational institutions in the Orenburg region almost coincides with the beginning of the period of development of the region. Initially, in 1735, Orenburg was laid at the confluence of the Or River with the Yaik (now the city of Orsk), then in 1741 – at the Krasnaya Gora tract, where the village of Krasnogor Saraktashsky district is now located. Both places turned out to be inconvenient for a number of reasons, so the new head of the Orenburg Commission, I. I. Neplyuev, who arrived in 1742, chose the third one. The city of Orenburg was founded on the present site on April 19 (30), 1743. A year after the foundation of Orenburg (Orsk) in February 1736, the supreme governing body of the Orthodox Church, the Synod, decided to build a cathedral church in the newly founded city and establish Slavic-Latin schools at it. These are the first schools in the Orenburg Region, which are reported by historical sources. The execution of this decision and the opening of separate schools in the city for the Russian and non-Russian population is known from the reports of the head of the Orenburg expedition, I.K.Kirilov, to the Holy Synod.

In 1744, in Orenburg, in the second year after the final foundation of the city, a school of "Tatar students" began to work during the Expedition of Border Affairs by Decree of Empress Elizabeth. It was intended for the lower classes of the Russian population of the Orenburg Region. Children from 8 to 17 years old who could read and write in Russian were admitted to the school, while preference was given to those who knew the Tatar language to some extent. The training was largely individual. An interpreter of the Border Commission worked with each student individually. He taught to speak, read and write Tatar, and to translate orally from Tatar into Russian.

The school provided general education and vocational training and provided a place for a lower official in civil administration institutions in the positions of clerks, clerks, customs officials, interpreters. Its graduates were exempted from military service. One of the students of this school was the son of the famous researcher of the Orenburg Region P.I. Rychkov. The school of "Tatar students" successfully worked in the region until 1818.

In 1745, an engineering school was opened in Orenburg, where arithmetic, geometry, fortification and engineering were taught. It existed for several years, but then it was transferred to St. Petersburg.

A significant part of the population of the Orenburg Region at that time were exiles and members of their families. This was the result of a centralized policy of sending exiles to Orenburg to settle with their wives and children. The first governor of the region, Ivan Ivanovich Neplyuev (1693-1773), appealed to the Senate with a request to establish a school in Orenburg under the authority of the Provincial Chancellery for the education and maintenance of children whose parents are exiles. In 1748, by the decision of the Senate, the school was opened. Children of exiles aged 7 to 15 years old, who lived in the Orenburg city area, began to study there. The program provided for the study of Russian literacy, pure writing, musical notation, confession of the Orthodox faith, as well as the first parts of arithmetic. The school has been operating for several decades. Taking into account the abilities of its graduates, they were subsequently attracted to civil service in the bodies of the provincial administration.


Along with state schools, private schools were opened in Orenburg during this period to educate children of wealthy parents. In one of these schools, founded by the enterprising Joseph Rose (a former convict), the famous Russian writer, poet and playwright Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) studied for two years.

The formation of education in the province in the XVIII century, however, as throughout Russia at that time, was extremely difficult. There was no necessary material base, there were not enough finances, teaching staff, and, perhaps most importantly, there was no understanding in society, in government bodies of the need to develop education.
