The Frontiersmen

Gustave Aimard
The Frontiersmen

"Canoe light; gone up river p'raps," said one of his companions.

"Canendesha got quick eye," said the other Seneca; "he cunning Injin. He won't let scalp go, if he can help it."

A gleam of ferocity passed across the swarthy face of Panther. "Canendesha is cunning and brave. His enemies will say that; but he has got the scalp of a Seneca, and I shall be ashamed to go back to the wigwams of my nation, if I do not take his. The Senecas are not squaws, to let a Tuscarora run off with their scalps."

Slowly moving against the current, the three Indians had got both out of sight and hearing of Ichabod. Immediately behind him was a small knoll four or five feet in height. He had commenced moving towards it with the intention of getting a further view of the Senecas, whose business he now understood, when his attention was attracted by a slight waving of the willows in the centre of the clump which we have mentioned. Glancing sharply in that direction, with his rifle raised in a position to fire should it be necessary, he saw an Indian emerging from the willows, whom he knew at once to be the Tuscarora.

"No get my scalp this time;" said Eagle's-Wing. "I get another scalp first;" and he pointed to a bleeding trophy of a recent encounter, with all the pride with which a victorious general would have pointed to the capture of the standards and munitions of war of a vanquished enemy.

"What's the meaning of all this, Eagle's-Wing?" asked Ichabod, with evident disgust at beholding the bleeding trophy. "Why has Canendesha dug up the hatchet, when the pale-faces and their Indian allies have buried it?"

"I no dig it up," answered the Tuscarora, with energy; "Seneca dig it up. I must have Panther's scalp too," and he was about following the canoe up the river.

"Stop a moment, Eagle's-Wing," exclaimed Ichabod, who laid his strong hand on the shoulder of his friend. "I want to know the meaning of all this; you must not go after them Injins now. I hate a Seneca, on general principles, as much as you do; but it won't do to go scalping round in these days, without good reason for it. Let me know what's the matter, and if it's anything where a friend can help with an easy conscience, I'll rush into the speculation."

Thus urged, the Indian, after a sufficient time had elapsed to satisfy the dignity of a chief, proceeded to relate one of those romances of the forest, which, in general feature, may not be very dissimilar to those of civilized life – the only difference consisting in the darker and wilder coloring which belongs to pictures of savage life. We will not attempt to give it in the precise words and with the manner of the Tuscarora, although we hope to exhibit in some degree the energy with which some portions of it were related.

It seemed that a short time before, a band of Senecas, for some purpose, had been hanging about the villages of the Oneidas and Tuscaroras, situated some fifty miles north of that portion of the valley about which we are now writing. Their business did not seem to be of a warlike nature, and frequent visits of ceremony had been exchanged between the chiefs of the once hostile tribes: and professions were made by the Senecas of a desire to unite once more the severed bond of union between the different nations of the confederacy. This condition of things existed for a few days, when it was announced by the Senecas that they were about to depart towards their own villages. The Tuscarora, the day before that announced for the departure of the Senecas, made them a visit of ceremony, accompanied by his young wife, whose Indian name, translated into English, was Singing-Bird. The visitors were treated with the utmost distinction, although Eagle's-Wing fancied that on one or two occasions he observed symptoms of a revival of the old feeling of hostility towards him, which the late conflicts had engendered. The band of Senecas consisted of about thirty-five warriors, under the command of Panther, whose treacherous and perfidious nature Eagle's-Wing was well acquainted with.

But the Tuscarora was brave, and if he felt, did not exhibit any symptoms of the suspicions which occupied his mind. At length on the approach of evening, the Tuscarora announced his departure. Panther courteously accompanied him a short distance from the lodge, when suddenly a number of Indians who had been secreted in ambush, sprang upon the Tuscarora and the young squaw, and they were at once bound and brought back to the lodge. The Indians made immediate preparations for departure – as would be necessary, indeed, after such an act of perfidy – for the Tuscaroras and Oneidas, whose villages were situated but a few miles distant, would shortly suspect the treachery, and come in search of the prisoners. Panther's motive in this double act of treachery and inhospitality, was supposed to be a feeling of revenge towards the Tuscarora – who had signalized himself during the war, by his friendship for the cause of the Colonies – and also a desire to obtain the beautiful Singing-Bird for his own wigwam.

The Senecas, with their prisoners, had marched all that night in a southerly direction, making use of all the devices of which an Indian is capable, to conceal the direction of their march. Near morning, the Tuscarora, although closely guarded, had found means to escape; but instead of retracing his steps to get assistance from his own people or from the Oneidas, he followed on the trail of the Senecas, hoping that he should find some means to release Singing-Bird from her captivity. He also hoped that his brethren, discovering, as they certainly would, the treachery that had been used towards him, would send out a party of warriors to rescue him.

The Senecas had passed along the valley on the day when we first introduced the Tuscarora to the reader. They had encamped on the flats, about two miles below the shanty we have mentioned, but in a direction much nearer the river than that taken by Ralph and Miss Barton, in their journey of the day before.

The Tuscarora, after the party, on the night before, had left the shanty, carefully obliterated all traces of the recent occupancy of the hut, and proceeded towards the encampment of the Senecas. He had nearly accomplished his purpose of delivering Singing-Bird, who was confined in a temporary wigwam which had been erected for her, when he was discovered by a young warrior of the Senecas. A conflict, brief but terrible, had ensued, which resulted in the death of the Seneca; and although this conflict had prevented the execution of his purpose, he succeeded in bearing away the usual Indian trophy of victory.

A sufficient party had been left to guard the wigwam in which Singing-Bird was confined, and the remainder of the Indians, almost twenty-five in number, had set off in immediate pursuit of Eagle's-Wing. The latter discovered, in his flight, which was along the course of the river, a light bark canoe, which had been constructed by Guthrie; and at once entering it, rapidly urged it up the stream. By so doing, although the Senecas who were pursuing him by land, might pass him, yet he could be able to secrete himself until day-light, certainly, and leave no trail which could be followed. On the day before, in noting the course of the river, and the means of shelter, should he find it necessary to take to a hiding place, he had marked the clump of willows we have mentioned, which to all appearance was merely a thicker and more extensive growth than was elsewhere observed. But, as he now showed Ichabod, in the centre of this clump was a small body of water connected with the river – a sort of cove – the mouth of which was completely guarded by a thick undergrowth of willows. To a person in a canoe on the river, there was nothing to indicate, except with the very closest attention, but that the line of the willows was the shore of the river. Thus, by separating the willows, he had forced the canoe into this small cove, where he was completely hidden from all observation, as well from the land, as from the water.

Ichabod, who was much excited by this forest romance, at once entered into the feelings of the Tuscarora.

"I don't blame you any, Eagle's-Wing," said he: "I don't like this scalping business, but I s'pose you've got to fight according to your natur'; but I'll tell you this, Eagle's-Wing, – here's my hand on a bargain, – and I'll stick to it, whether the speculation's good or bad – we'll rescue Singing-Bird, any way; but don't let us have any more scalping, just now. We must deceive them rascals. I never knew a scoundrel of a Seneca yet, but could be cheated some way or other."

Notwithstanding the interest which this conversation had excited, the Tuscarora and Ichabod had both been intent in watching the course of the canoe. It had now advanced some twenty-five or thirty rods up the river, when Panther, evidently believing he had passed the spot where the Tuscarora had been observed, now headed the canoe downstream, with the intention of making a more diligent search.

Ichabod was about to propose a retreat towards the forest, when he suddenly beheld in that direction a small party of Indians advancing towards them. The intelligence was silently communicated to the Tuscarora, when they both rapidly entered the clump of willows, and seated themselves in the canoe. Their rifles were examined, and they both adjusted their knives so that they would be in readiness, if it should be necessary to use them.

The Indians who were approaching from the forest perceived Panther and his companions in the canoe, and signs were at once made to attract their attention. Panther observed them, and the canoe was immediately brought to the shore, where the other Indians had now arrived. The Senecas who had come from the woods occupied the precise spot where Ichabod had first observed the canoe of Panther. The latter had brought his canoe to the edge of the willows, and putting them aside, sprung lightly through them to the land.


The Senecas were now not more than ten or fifteen feet from the hiding place of the Tuscarora, so that their conversation could be easily overheard.

Panther, speaking to Deersfoot, who was the leader of the small party which had been sent to scour the forest, asked if any trace had been found of the fugitive. Deersfoot replied that he had not been able to find any trail.

Luckily for both Eagle's-Wing and Ichabod, the Indians who had visited the shanty, since the latter left it in the morning, had not taken the pains to discover the trail of the Tuscarora which Ichabod had done; and they had also followed the same direction in approaching the river, but without examining the ground with sufficient care, to discover the footmarks of either Eagle's-Wing or Ichabod. The consequence was, that now, so far as any clue could be obtained to their position from that source, they were perfectly safe, as the Senecas, in traveling in the same direction, had completely obscured the signs which, with a little more care, they might have discovered.

Panther and Deersfoot now held a whispered consultation, which Ichabod, although he reached forward as far as his safety would permit, could not distinctly overhear. But he was quite sure that he heard something said about the pale-faces at the cottage. He was certain from this that the Indians would visit the house of Barton; and he was extremely anxious to return there, so that he might communicate the intelligence as soon as possible.

If such was the intention of the Senecas, it appeared that they did not intend to put it in execution immediately; for after this consultation was finished, Panther directed the Indians to follow along down the shore, while he examined it from the canoe.

Panther returned to his canoe; while Deersfoot with his party, passing around the cove, proceeded diligently to search for the enemy whom they were leaving in security, at least for the present, behind them.

As soon as they had passed out of sight, Ichabod insisted that Eagle's-Wing should accompany him to the cottage. The Indian at first refused, from the idea that his presence there would bring danger upon the family of Barton; but as Ichabod assured him of the certainty of holding out the cottage against any attack which the Senecas might make upon it, and also of the joy with which Barton and his daughter would welcome him, he finally yielded; and leaving the canoe in its shelter, they rapidly proceeded thitherward through the forest.


"But what talk we of these traitorly rascals, whose miseries are to be

smiled at, their offences being so capital?"


When Ichabod and the Tuscarora reached the cottage, they found the inmates much alarmed, owing to the long absence of the former; and Ralph was just about setting out in pursuit of him. Ichabod had perfectly succeeded, without any effort on his part, in ingratiating himself into the favor of all. There was something in his frank, hearty manner, that at once gave him a place in the affections of those who were capable of being moved by such qualities. The simplicity and earnestness with which he pursued his schemes of pecuniary speculation, if they excited the smiles or ridicule of those who saw their groundlessness, did not detract from his reputation as a man of excellent judgment, on all matters out of the range of that one idea.

In a life such as we are now depicting, which was essentially new – where men were not living on the labors of others, or eating up the substance which others had gained, but where each relied upon his own effort to procure the necessaries of life – there was a general simplicity of manners, which is seldom to be found in these latter days. Although, as in comparison with the history of population in Europe, we are immediately connected in point of age, with the times of which we are writing, yet in the rapidity of our own history, the seventy years which have intervened have a much greater signification, and seem to extend over a length of time sufficient to give the broadest play to the imagination. We, who are now in the prime of life, and witness a broad, fine country, thoroughly subdued to the uses of the farmer – cities and villages connected by the ties of commerce – splendid mansions, which already begin to wear the venerable appearance of age, can scarcely realize that our fathers and grandfathers were the pioneers before whose vigorous efforts the forests disappeared, and the wilderness gave place to spacious fields, teeming with harvests, and homes where happiness asked no aid from wealth, and virtuous simplicity paid no tribute to overreaching avarice.

Ichabod, there, was welcomed with a degree of warmth which he had no reason to expect; but the excited state of mind which had been produced by the events of the day before, and the probability of future troubles, served to magnify the dangers which it was supposed he was likely to encounter in his morning adventure.

The Tuscarora, too, was heartily welcomed; and the morning meal, which had been left waiting for Ichabod, was at once served. The Tuscarora ate but little; for, however so much disposed an Indian may be to give way to a gluttonous disposition in "piping times of peace," when on the war-path, he is always abstemious to a degree; and he holds in great contempt the man who suffers his appetite to overcome his necessary care and watchfulness. Ichabod, however, had no such scruples; and he did as ample justice to the "good things" which were set before him, as if such an animal as a Seneca had never existed.

Having finished their breakfast, Ichabod proceeded to communicate to Ralph and Barton what he had witnessed, together with a brief account of the treachery of Panther towards Eagle's-Wing. It was at once resolved that the Tuscarora should be protected.

"For," said Barton, "if the Senecas should dare to attack the cottage, they will find that we have ample mean of defence. But I do not think they will do so; they will not dare so openly to violate the neutrality which now exists."

"That tribe is proverbially treacherous," said Ralph, "and from Eagle's-Wing's story, the chief of this party is especially so. I think they will attack us, if they learn that the Tuscarora is sheltered here, but I agree with you that we are bound to protect him. The cottage is in a good state of defence, and we can defend it against twice the number of this party.

"Yes, and were they ten times as strong," answered Barton, "the Tuscarora should not be surrendered. His services in our behalf are too recent to be so soon forgotten; and besides, I would protect any individual of the Oneida or Tuscarora nation, against those perfidious rascals."

The old man said this with an animation and energy that settled the question.

The Tuscarora, however, did not seem to assent, willingly, to the arrangement. With a sensitiveness and courtesy which are almost peculiar to the Indian warrior, he endeavored to decline a shelter which would be likely to bring Barton and his family into some peril on his behalf.

"No," he said, "let Canendesha go. He knows the woods, and the warrior likes the woods. There is plenty chance to fight – plenty good place to hide. Warrior can't fight here – can't take any scalp here."

Sambo put his hand to his head, with a vivid remembrance of the joke of the night before; and even Barton and Ralph were a good deal shocked at the cool-blooded way in which the Tuscarora spoke of this peculiar mode of Indian warfare. Barton felt called to enter his protest, at once.

"Tuscarora," he said, "it isn't Christian to scalp. I supposed that the Tuscaroras and Oneidas had better notions than to do so."

"What Christian do, eh?" asked Eagle's-Wing, quietly.

"A Christian never mutilates his enemy, after he has conquered him," replied Barton.

"What that?" inquired the Tuscarora, with a look of incomprehension.

"A Christian warrior," said Barton, who found himself somewhat puzzled to explain clearly, to the comprehension of the Indian, the idea he had in his mind; "A Christian warrior kills his enemy; he don't – "

"Christian kill enemy, eh?" said Eagle's-Wing, quickly "What scalp good for to enemy, after he killed? Good to warrior to show squaw – good to show chiefs – good many scalps make great chief."

"Yes, but why not bear off some other trophy? why not take a portion of the enemy's dress, or something of that sort?"

"Warrior can't carry away all: – some other Injin get some, – make him great warrior too. No – no – Injin got but one scalp: he 'spect to have it taken; and if he killed, must lose it."

Eagle's-Wing evidently thought he had exhausted the argument; and, in truth, he had. It would have been utterly impossible to have held any such controversy with him, with any prospect of success, and have admitted the right to slay an enemy at all.

Ichabod chuckled over the victory which had been gained by his friend; not that he justified the practice, but that he thought it would be utterly useless to endeavor to improve an Indian, in that respect. It was a practice which had been taught in infancy, and become an instinct; for the warrior having slain the enemy, secures the scalp, or his victory is but half won.

Just at this point in the conversation, Sambo, who had left the house a few moments before, came running in, saying that Guthrie had just come in sight, and was approaching the cottage. By a sort of instinctive feeling, the whole party, except the Tuscarora, who did not seem to be familiar with the name, looked as if they expected some new scene in this forest drama was about to be enacted. But with an appearance of unconcern, they prepared to receive him; and in a moment more, the door opened, and the heavy, coarse figure of Guthrie was in the room.

As he opened the door, the Tuscarora made a sudden movement of surprise, which Ichabod saw, although it was unnoticed by either Ralph or Barton. The Indian immediately resumed his appearance of composure, and looked at the visitor with an air of indifference; but Ichabod saw that Eagle's-Wing had made some discovery which might be of extreme importance in the events which were likely to occur. As has been before remarked, Ichabod had a distinct impression that he had before seen Guthrie's face – but where, he could not recollect. With a feeling of distrust, which the sudden gesture of the Tuscarora he served to enliven, he now waited to earn the object of the visit. "Good day, Guthrie," said Barton, "what news do you bring from below."

"O nothing in particular, Squire; but I thought I'd come up and tell you that there's a large lot of Injins round."

"I suppose there is nothing very singular in that," answered Barton, "so long as this may be considered Indian territory, as yet."

Now, Barton had always looked upon Guthrie with a feeling of distrust; and for this reason he thought it best to appear ignorant of facts he well knew, as by so doing, he might better ascertain the true object of his visit.

He therefore continued: "I am a kind of tenant at sufferance of the Oneidas here, myself; and I certainly cannot object to their visiting their own territory."

"But these Injins arn't Oneidas, Squire. If I know one Maqua from another, they're Senecas," said Guthrie.

"Senecas!" exclaimed Barton, with the appearance of surprise, "what business have the Senecas here, I should like to know?"

"I ra'ally can't tell, Squire, what kind of business they did come on out here; but they've got into a raging passion since they've been here, and I am ra'ally afeard of trouble."

"They have had no occasion, certainly, for anger with me or mine, and I cannot suppose that they intend me any injury."

"Well, the truth is, Squire, they say that this Injin you've got here," pointing to the Tuscarora, "has got the scalp of one of their young men; and they declare they'll take him, any way; if they can't by fair means, they will by foul."

"You do not think they would dare to attack the cottage for the purpose of capturing him?" said Barton.

"There's no telling what them Senecas won't do, Squire, when they're angry; but I rather reckon they will, if they know you've got him here."

"What would you advise me to do, Guthrie? You understand the ways of this nation pretty well."


"As for understanding the ways of the Senecas, in particular Squire," answered Guthrie somewhat hastily, "I can't say that I do; but a man can't live in the woods as long as I have, without knowing something about the Injins in general: but as for what you'd better do, I ra'ally can't say. But the way it looks to me is, that if you want your buildings burnt down, and may be yourself and family taken prisoners, you'll keep him; but if you don't, you'll send him away. But it arn't for me to say."

"Now, Guthrie," said Barton, with the appearance of doubt. "I'll put it to you as a question of honor, under all the difficulties you mention: this Tuscarora saved my daughter's life, yesterday; now, can I, as an honorable man, surrender him to his enemies?"

"Well Squire, that is a pretty tight spot, that's sartin," said Guthrie. "But you see, if he did save Miss Barton's life yesterday, it is no reason why he should put it in danger to-day; and yours and your guests besides."

"Why, Guthrie, you talk as if I couldn't defend myself here, if I really tried. You seem to take it for granted, that if we are attacked, they must conquer. I am not so certain of that."

"I know," said Guthrie, "you've got a pretty tolerably strong fix of a place here; but I do reckon you couldn't hold out much of a siege. I've seen stronger places taken by fewer Indians, in my day."

"Why, how many Senecas do you think there are, Guthrie?" asked Barton.

"Well, I ra'ally don't know; but I should think I'd seen pretty nigh a hundred on 'em."

Barton smiled. The object of Guthrie was now perfectly evident. For some reason, he had endeavored to induce Barton to surrender the Tuscarora, and had thus magnified the force of the enemy, and cast doubt upon the ability of Barton to maintain the defence of his dwelling.

Ralph, although very indignant at this dishonest intention of Guthrie, maintained the appearance of composure. The Tuscarora one would have judged to have been totally devoid of the sense of hearing; for no motion or gesture betrayed that he supposed himself the subject of this back-woods diplomacy. As for Ichabod, he had with difficulty restrained himself, so far, from breaking into the conversation. Now, however, he suddenly broke in by advancing towards Guthrie, and exclaiming —

"I say, stranger, you can't be very good at reckoning, for a man who has lived all his life in the woods, and ought to know the number of his enemies at first sight. Only thirty-five, counting that red reptile that lost his scalp. And as for them thirty-five, if they want Eagle's-Wing, all they've got to do, you see, is to come and take him."

Guthrie, who saw at once that his plan had failed, and that Barton knew accurately the number of the Senecas with whom, at the worst, he would have to contend, now changed his tactics.

"Well, friend," said he to Ichabod, "you might have been a little more civil, even if you are right, and I'm wrong. I didn't count 'em – I only saw 'em a long ways off, through the woods, and might be mistaken, you know. But," said he, with a manner of perfect frankness, turning to Barton, "whether there's thirty-five or a hundred, I don't know nor don't care, so far as I'm concerned; if you say fight, here I am, Squire, and I'll help you out with it, any way."

Barton suffered his feelings of distrust to be overcome at once. Grasping Guthrie's hand, he exclaimed – "That's right, friend. You and I are neighbors here, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be friends, at such a time as this. The Tuscarora has been deeply wronged by these Senecas, and if he has revenged himself, it's Indian law, and we can't blame him for it. No – I can't surrender him; and if they want to fight about it, why we'll get out of it the best we can."

Barton, who was extremely gratified at this addition to the force of the cottage, at once led Guthrie about the building and grounds, to show him his preparations for defence. Ralph was not at all pleased with the manner of Guthrie; but as he knew that Baron was much better acquainted with him than he pretended to be, he could not object to receiving the aid which was so frankly offered, and which might be needed. After the departure of Barton and his new ally, Ichabod and the Tuscarora fell into an earnest but whispered conversation, and Ralph left the apartment in search of Miss Baron, whom he had not seen since the events of the day before.

"I say, Eagle's-Wing," said Ichabod, "I don't half like this business. That stranger seems to be a kind of white Seneca. I never knew an honest man who was afraid to look another honest man in the eye. I don't like him."

"You guess right: I know him. He King George's man," said the Tuscarora, quietly.

"What! a Tory!" exclaimed Ichabod. "How do you know that, Eagle's-Wing?"

"Know? Know it sartin. Saw him down here on war-path. He fought with Senecas. No recollect?"

"That's it. Heavens and airth! why didn't I think of that? Here I've been trying for two days to remember where I've seen that hang-dog face. He was one of the leaders of them venomous reptiles. Nothing can beat an Indian for recollecting things."

"Indians got long memory. Know enemy always. Don't forget him."

"I say, Eagle's-Wing, do you think the sarpent recollects us?"

"Yes – sartin. He recollect you – saw that. Recollect me, too. Most got his scalp: he recollect that, well, I know."

"How's that, Eagle's-Wing?"

"When Seneca run, he run too. I shoot, and he fell. I run to get scalp – but Seneca warriors turn – too many of 'em – and they take him off. He 'members that, sartin."

"Now Eagle's-Wing, that sarpent has come here to practise some deviltry on us. He's fairly cheated the old Squire, and I s'pose he thinks he has cheated us, too. What shall we do with him?"

"I know what I do," and he significantly pointed to his knife.

"No – that won't do at all. You see, if he is in league with them Senecas, there's only one way that he can help them and injure us. Being inside here, he reckons he can open the door to 'em."

"Yes, that's the way – no other way."

"Well, you see, Eagle's-Wing, we'll let him play his game out, but we'll try and be there to see it done. Now, mind, Eagle's-Wing, until that does happen, we mustn't seem to know him at all."

"Yes, yes; make b'lieve friend – that the way."

"I reckon we'll hear from them reptiles to-night; and if we do, Eagle's-Wing, we'll thin out their numbers a little, and then to-morrow for the Singing-Bird. You'll see her again to-morrow, and no mistake."

A melancholy smile passed over the countenance of the Tuscarora. It was immediately followed by such a gleam of deadly ferocity, that even Ichabod started.

"Panther got lying tongue – I tear it out. Panther got bad heart – I tear it out. He take my squaw – he never see his own squaw again."

"I don't blame you. Eagle's-Wing, for your feelings towards that reptile; but I do wish you Injins could learn a civilized mode of warfare. I shan't argue with you: I know better than that; but I ra'ally don't see how any Injin of your qualities can have such a strong desire for tearing scalps off from all his enemies. But it's Injin natur' I s'pose. When white people offer bounties for such things, I don't much blame Injins for speculating in that kind of article: but to do it when nothing's to be made out of it, beats my comprehension."

But we must leave Ichabod and the Tuscarora to their conversation, while we follow Ralph to the interview which he sought with Miss Barton.

Proceeding directly towards the front portion of the house, and entering a room which was fitted up tastefully, and adapted to "state occasions," if we may be permitted to apply that term to an apartment designed as well for a family room as a parlor, he found Ruth, who seemed to be yet suffering from the agitation and excitement of the day before.
